To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk highlighting the financial implications of COVID-19 pandemic. Income & Expenditure report for the period 1 April to 31 May 2020.
The Committee received and considered the report of the Town Clerk, highlighting the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic had had on the Council’s income. The Town Clerk advised that she would be writing to the District Council’s Cabinet Member for Finance as NALC had advised that government funding had been given to District Councils to distribute to town and parish councils to alleviate the effect of COVID-19 on income and the additional expenditure it was burdened with. The Town Clerk would be seeking some sort of recompense to offset some of the Council’s lost income and additional expenditure. She also advised that the grant of free use of the Corn Exchange to Witney Fridge during lockdown would be accounted for.
Member also discussed grant funding to West Oxfordshire Community Transport and the requirement to renew the Council’s utilities contracts.
RESOLVED: that the report be noted and:-
1. that the grant funding for West Oxfordshire Community Transport continues to be paid at the current rate of £1,500 per month (£18,000 per annum) for the remainder of the financial year and that it is raised to the higher amount of £21,000 from April 2021. This rate would continue for three years but the Council would retain the right to review this after two years.
2. that in relation to the utilities contract, the Compliance and Environment Officer be charged with finding the most competitive green energy tariff available with the Council’s existing utility provider, with the ultimate decision delegated to the Town Clerk in consultation with the appropriate Members if needed.
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