To receive and consider the report of the Operations and Estates Officer – TO FOLLOW
The Committee received and considered an extensive report from the Operations and Estates Officer concerning third party events. Members discussed matters in the lights of various complaints from the public after the Pitch 1 area at The Leys had been designated an events field. There followed a debate on whether to engage an expert in Event Noise Planning and also on how much the District Council’s Environmental Health Department might help.
1. that the report be noted;
2. that the Council get quotes from Event Noise Planning Consultants to draw up an advisory plan, which should include advice on the position of the stage;
3. that the Town Clerk speaks to Service Leader of Operational, Technical & Pollution Services at the District Council to see if the Environmental Services could assist the Town Council in noise planning management;
4. that both organisers of large third-party events and the Town Council continue to send separate letters to nearby residents;
5. that the end time for all events be 11pm, with the site cleared by 11.30pm.