Agenda item

Public Halls


1. Operational and Usage Reports


The Committee received and considered the report of Public Halls Officer as circulated with the agenda.


2.   Corn Exchange Working Party


The Committee received and considered the report of the Office Manager.  The Chairman invited Mr Terry Powell who was present to become a member of the Working Party due to his considerable experience in the sector. Mr Powell accepted the invitation.  


The Town Clerk advised that it was normal for the Chairman of a Working Party – in this case Cllr Collins – to sit on the parent committee.  Members agreed that this was sensible and agreed to co-opt Cllr Collins as a full member, therefore increasing the membership of Halls and Green Spaces Committee to 9 members.


3.  Langdale Hall and Madley Park Hall – Compliance


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer. Members were particularly concerned at the lack of an electrical certificate for Madley Park Hall, which the Operations and Estates Officer had been chasing. He suggested that another option would be for the Council’s electrician to do the work and then recharge this to Madley Park Hall Trust.  Members felt that this was a good option.




1. that the reports be noted;


2. that Mr Terry Powell be invited to join the working party due to his expertise in the sector;


3. that Cllr Collins, as Chairman of the Corn Exchange Working Party, be co-opted onto the Halls and Green Spaces Committee as a full voting member, therefore extending the Committee membership to 9 councillors.


4. that the Town Council’s electrical contractor be employed to carry out the electrical work at Madley Park Hall and the cost be re charged to the Madley Park Hall Trust.