Agenda item

Financial Report

To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Town Clerk, containing spending recommendations from the Halls and Green Spaces Committee and the Stronger Communities Committee. 


Members also considered a confidential debtors report and revising the annual rent for Witney Feast Fair.  The Town Clerk , the Leader and Deputy Mayor had met with the Fair’s Operator, Mr Wilson, earlier in the week and he had explained that it was a complicated process for him to increase the hire charges to his stall holders and therefore he would prefer one rise covering several years rather than a 5% increase year on year on the proposed figure of £8,700.  This was discussed at length by the Committee and it was decided that a charge of £9, 150 per annum for a 3-year period should be put to Mr Wilson.  This effectively included a 5% increase per annum on the £8,700 originally agreed.




1.            that the report be noted;

2.            that the recommendations as detailed in the report of the Town Clerk from the spending committees be agreed;

3.            that the annual rent agreement for Witney Feast Fair Operators, Bob Wilson Funfairs Ltd, be set at £9,150 per annum for a period of 3 years.