Agenda item

Sports, Recreation Grounds & Parks

To receive and consider the report of the Operations and Estates Officer.


11.1        Witney Town Bowls Club based at the Leys Recreation Ground – problem with pressure sewer (enclosed)

11.2        Update on Play Areas (enclosed)

11.3        Update on Sports (to follow)

11.4        Update on Recreation Grounds (to follow)


A.  Witney Town Bowls Club – Problem with pressure sewer


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer.  Members expressed concern about the sewage but also had concerns about if the Bowls Club could afford to pay for the repairs which were its responsibility. 


B.  Update on Play Areas


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer which was circulated with the agenda.  It particularly updated Members on the situation with regard to the newly refurbished Ralegh Crescent Play Area, and the progress made on finding a suitable location for the Teqball table on the Leys Recreation Ground.


C.  Update on Sports and Recreation Grounds


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer, which covered requests from Parkrun for a dog waste bin and signage at West Witney, the Sports & Social Club were also requesting a baby changing unit.  The report also highlighted the ongoing issues with the bowls clubs at West Witney and their irrigation unit which had failed.




1. that the report be noted;


2. that the Town Council relays the pipe and charges the Bowls Club for the work, or the Bowls Club should reinstate the cess pit, negating the need for a new pipe.  The Town Clerk is to be given delegated authority to proceed with these works as a matter of urgency;


3. that WODC’s request for access ramps to the bunds at Ralegh Crescent Play area be agreed;


4. that a Teqball table be installed at The Leys outside the tennis courts and skate park, and the shortfall in budget be funded from the Council’s General Fund.


5.       that consideration be given to siting an additional dog waste bin along the hedge line at West Witney Sports Ground in consultation with Parkrun and that the content of signage be discussed with Parkrun;


6. that the request to install a baby change unit for West Witney Sports and Social Club 

be agreed;


7. that the Vikings Football team’s request for an additional pitch at The Leys be agreed;


8. that the Operations and Estates Officer should look at trying to resolve the Sports Club storage issues at The Leys;


9. that Cllrs Gwatkin and Bolger meet with Witney Town Bowls Club to discuss the                sewage pipe issue, the supply of grey water from the splash park to the bowls club irrigation system and other matters;


10.      that the request from West Witney Bowls Club for repairs to be undertaken on the    footpath on 3 sides of the Bowls Green be put on hold until the issue with the irrigation system is resolved;


11. that the situation regarding the failure of West Witney Bowls Club’s irrigation system is noted and Officers ensure the matter is progressed as soon as possible.