Agenda item

Open Spaces and Grounds Maintenance: Hedge Reduction Works

To receive and consider the reports of the Operations and Estates Officer (enclosed).


10.1        Hedge Reduction Works – (a) Thorney Leys/Curbridge Road (b) Manor Road

10.2        Parking on Burwell Community Garden/Thorney Leys


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer as circulated with the agenda.




1. that the report be noted;


2. that the reduction of the Thorney Leys/Curbridge Road hedge to 8”, leaving strands of trees where possible and stripping ivy to the base of the remaining trees allowing inspection of the trees at the base be agreed;


3. that Manor Road areas 19, 19Y and 19O be reduced to 6’ along the entire length of the hedge.