Agenda item

Cemeteries & Closed Churchyards

9.1          To consider correspondence concerning a memorial application for an inscription on a headstone (enclosed).

9.2          Update from Operations & Estates Officer (report enclosed).


The Committee received and considered correspondence concerning a memorial application for an inscription on a headstone.  The lady was appealing against a previous decision made by the Council that she could not have a specific quote by Spike Milligan on the headstone, which was her mother’s last wish.


The Committee discussed this at length and decided that the Reverend Toby Wright be contacted for his views.  Members felt rather than writing to the lady with a response, it would be better to talk through the issues with her before a decision was made.  There was also a request to check out any copy right issues.




1. that the report be noted;


2. that Rev’d Toby Wright be asked for his opinion;


3. that any copy right issues be investigated;


4. that 2 members meet with the lady to discuss issues before a decision be made.