Agenda item

Public Halls - Operational & Usage Report

To receive and consider the following Officer reports:


8.1          Operational & Usage Report – Public Halls Officer (enclosed)

8.2          Corn Exchange Working Party – Office Manager (enclosed)

8.3          Langdale Hall & Madley Park Hall – Compliance – Operations & Estates Officer (enclosed)


This item was moved up the agenda with the express permission of the Chairman.  The Committee received and considered section 8.1.6 of the report of the Public Halls Officer.  There followed a discussion and members noted that the current price charged had been an introductory price and agreed that there should be a fair price for everyone, whilst having sympathy with Mrs Gattrell’s concerns about the increase in hire chares reducing her profit.


A member proposed that the hire charges should be kept the same for a period of 6 months and could then be reviewed as there could be changes made to the hired space that might increase the income to Mrs Gattrell.  All members agreed to this.




1.                   that the report be noted;


2.                   that that the hire charges for the Over 30’s Disco remain the same and be reviewed again in six months’ time.