Agenda item

Lake & Country Park - Sewage Update

To receive and consider the report of the Operations & Estates Officer updating Members on the situation with regard to the sewage disposal into Emma’s Dyke.  Correspondence enclosed from the Environment Agency and Thames Water.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer, along with correspondence from the Environment Agency, and Thames Water.  He explained that the Council needed to put up signage and barriers to prevent people from renting the watercourse at the Dyke.


The Chair informed members that the Town Clerk advised that in practical terms there was not much that the Town Council could do and members felt that the District Councillors should escalate this matter and that Officers should find out the name of an appropriate officer at the District Council whom they could discuss the matter with. 


It was also requested that a letter be written to the County Council’s Public Health Department, expressing the Town Council’s concerns about the sewage.




1.            that the report and correspondence be noted;


2.            that the Council writes to the County Council’s Public Health Department concerning the situation;


3.            that Officers find an appropriate Officer at West Oxfordshire District Council and forward the name to those members who also sat on the District Council (i.e. the dual hatters).

Supporting documents: