Agenda item

Allotment Update

To receive and consider the Operations & Estates Officer’s report on the progress of provision of new allotments at the Windrush development, West Witney; and an update on the existing allotments.


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer, concerning both the conditions of the existing lease with the Allotment Association and the new site at West Witney.


Members wanted to work with the Allotment Association which was made up of volunteers, and it was agreed not to continue with dialogue about the lost sheds.  However, the Committee recognised that this was a significant loss of asset to the Council at a cost of £12, 141.00.  It was agreed to take this amount our of the allotment earmarked reserve so that it could be spent elsewhere if that were possible.




1.            that the report be noted;


2.            that the Council takes no further action regarding the breach of the terms of the lease regarding the sheds, but instead removes the value of these assets - £12, 141.00 – from the earmarked allotments fund to be redistributed elsewhere in the budget;


3.            that if allotment tenants wish to erect a shed on their plots, they should be of a size and type specified by the Town Council and that if they were not, the Council would remove them;


4.            that the Committee notes the associated works and cost regarding the new West Witney allotments, and that the cost can be met from the allotment earmarked reserve.

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