Agenda item

War Memorial - names and additional plaque

To receive and consider the report of the Operations & Estates Officer following further research on adding an additional plaque to the War Memorial in the town to accommodate further names identified that should be included.


The Committee received and considered an update from Cllr Jones and also the report of the Operations and Estates Officer, who had been tasked to find a way to extend the war memorial’s capacity for additional names.


Cllr Jones advised that further to a letter written advising of other local people who had not had their names added to the war memorial, a local historian, Mr Clements, had done research.  He found that these people had been born in Witney and moved away, and in some cases were already remembered on other war memorials.  Although Lucy Harris was not a resident of the town when she died, members agreed that it was appropriate for her to have her name inscribed as she would be the only woman listed.


As the Committee did not wish to add further names to the war memorial at this time, there was currently no requirement to add extra plaques.




1.            that the report be noted;


2.            that as Mr Clements had seemingly proved that none of the names requested to be added to the war memorial had that requirement (as they were either listed elsewhere or had not lived in Witney for a number of years), there was no need to add an additional plaque on the war memorial.

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