Agenda item

Committee Terms of Reference, Vision & Objectives for the Municipal Year

To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk (copy enclosed).


Members received and considered the report of the Town Clerk as circulated with the agenda.


The following changes were suggested to the terms of reference:


a) “operate” be replaced by “oversee” and Madley Park Hall and Langdale Hall be removed and the halls itemised as separate entities to be overseen;


f) “and supervise” be removed;


The Committee also requested that a “risk” section be added into officer reports in future.


With these changes included, members approved the terms of reference for the Committee.


The Committee also received and considered the schedule of earmarked reserves and the capital and special revenue programme for 2019/20.  Members felt that at this point it would be helpful to keep this on the agenda in terms of a Committee vision and objectives for the municipal year.




1.       that the report be noted;


2.       that the Committee Terms of Reference as presented be approved with the changes           requested;


3.       that the Committee Vision and Objectives for the municipal year be kept on the agenda for the next meeting.