Agenda item

Minutes of Committees and Sub Committees

To receive and NOTE the RESOLUTIONS in the minutes of the meetings held between 17 December 2019 and 27 January 2020, and agree the RECOMMENDATIONS contained therein:


A)  PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE                                    17 DECEMBER 2019, 14 JANUARY 2020 (ATTACHED) & 4 FEBRUARY 2020 (TO FOLLOW)

B)  HALLS & GREEN SPACES COMMITTEE                                              13 JANUARY 2020

C)  STRONGER COMMUNITIES COMMITTEE                                        20 JANUARY 2020

D) POLICY, GOVERNANCE & FINANCE COMMITTEE                          27 JANUARY 2020

E) YOUTH SERVICES WORKING PARTY                                                   20 JANUARY 2020

F) SKATE PARK WORKING PARTY                                                             22 JANUARY 2020             





a) Planning and Development Committee – 17 December2019 and 14 January 2020


The Chair presented these minutes to Council and moved their acceptance.


b) Halls and Green Spaces Committee -13 January 2020


The Chair presented these minutes to Council and moved their acceptance.


A member asked for a recommendation to be added to write to the County Council about having separate changing facilities from the school for the new West Witney pitch if the pavilion was not built.  The Office Manager said that this would be a matter arising from the minutes which could be brought up and agreed at the next meeting of this Committee.


c) Stronger Communities Committee – 20 January 2020


The Chair presented these minutes to Council and moved their acceptance.


d) Policy. Governance and Finance Committee – 27 January 2020


The Chair presented these minutes to Council and moved their acceptance.


e) Youth Services Working Party – 20 January 2020


The Chair presented these minutes to Council and moved their acceptance.


f) Skate Park Working Party – 27 January 2020


The Chair presented these minutes to Council and moved their acceptance.




a)  Planning and Development Committee - that the minutes of the Planning and Development Committee of 17 December 2019 and 14 January 2020 be received and any recommendations therein be approved;


b) Halls and Green Spaces Committee – that the minutes of the Halls and Green Spaces Committee of 13 January 2020 be received and any recommendations therein be approved;


c) Stronger Communities Committee – that the minutes of the Stronger Communities Committee of 20 January 2020 be received and any recommendations therein be approved;


d)  Policy, Governance and Finance Committee - that the minutes of the Policy, Governance and Finance Committee of 27 January 2020 be received and any recommendations therein be approved;


e)  Youth Services Working Party - that the minutes of the Youth Services Working Party of 20 January 2020 be received and any recommendations therein be approved;


f)   Skate Park Working Party – that the minutes of the Skate Park Working Party of 27 January 2020 be received and any recommendations therein be approved.

Supporting documents: