Agenda item

Amenity Areas - Farmers Close Screening Works T&B Motors

To receive and consider the report of the Operations & Estates Officer – (to follow).


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer providing an update on the situation at Farmers Close following last year’s fire at T and B Motors.  Complaints had been received about the unsightly boundary that was defined by temporary steel hoarding on the Town Council’s land.  The Enforcement Officer at WODC was not planning to take action at this point in time and T and B Motors had reported that they estimated a 6 – 12-month period before the boundary was replaced as they needed to determine what the best course of action would be.


RESOLVED: that the report and correspondence be noted and that the Town Clerk writes back to the Enforcement Officer asking for action to be taken and asking for the 6 – 12 months estimated time to be reduced to a more reasonable timescale.


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