Agenda item

Financial Reports - Revised Budget 2019/20 and Proposed Budget 2020/21

To receive and consider the following reports:


a)      Revised revenue budget 2019/20 and base revenue budget for 2020/21 (Town Clerk’s report to follow)


b)     Schedule of proposed Burial Fees and Charges 2020/21 (to follow)


c)      Schedule of proposed Hall Hire Fees and Charges 2020/21 (to follow)


d)     Schedule of proposed Recreation Fees and Charges 2020/21 (to follow)


e)     Revised Capital & Special Revenue Projects Programme 2019/20 (to follow)


f)       Revenue Growth Items and Capital/Special Revenue Projects Programme 2020/21 and beyond to (to follow)


a) Revised Revenue Budget 2019/20 and Base Revenue Budget for 2020/21


The Committee received and considered the report of the Town Clerk.


b) Schedule of Proposed Burial Fees and Charges


The Committee received and considered the proposed schedules of charges and the report of the Cemeteries Officer. The report explained new legislation, The Children’s Funeral Fund, making any fees payable surrounding the burial of a child up to the age of 18 to be provided free at the point of need with reimbursement claimed by the burial authority.   It was noted that foetal remains pre 24 weeks gestation, were not covered and Members considered these cases should be exempt from payment to the Town Council for parents.


c) Schedule of Proposed Hall Hire Fees and Charges 2020/21


The Committee received and considered the proposed schedule of fees and charges for Hall Hire for the forthcoming fiscal year.


d) Schedule of Proposed Recreation Fees and Charges 2020/21


The Committee received and considered the proposed schedule of fees and charges for Recreation for the forthcoming fiscal year.


e) Revised Capital and Special Revenue Projects programme 2019/20


Unfortunately, due to time constraints the Town Clerk had not been able to provide an update report on this year’s capital and special revenue projects programme for which she apologised.


f) Revised Growth items and Capital/Special Revenue Projects Programme 2020/21 and Beyond


The Committee received and considered the report of the Town Clerk and was asked if there  were any other items that it would like to see added in.




a) that the report on the revised revenue budget 2019/20 and base revenue budget for 2020/21 be noted;


b) that the report be noted and: -


          i.            that new fees associated with burial, Exclusive Rights of Burial and for the right to erect an approved memorial or ashes tablet for children under 18 in line with the current charges for interments for persons over 16 years be introduced,

        ii.            that new fees associated with burial, Exclusive Rights of Burial and for the right to erect an approved memorial or ashes tablet for children under 18 be introduced as specified in the report,

       iii.            that the Council continues to provide burials free of charge for any miscarriage or foetal matter pre 24 weeks gestation and that no charge is made for the Exclusive Rights of Burial,

       iv.            that the remaining charges are increased by 2% as outlined in the circulated report.


c)  that the proposed increase of 2% in Public Hall hire charges as circulated be agreed rounded up where necessary;


d) that the proposed increase of 2% relating to the recreational charges for cricket, bowls, changing rooms, and football be agreed and a 5% increase for clubs and commercial use be agreed as circulated;


e)  that the Town Clerk provides an update report on this year’s capital and special revenue projects programme to the Policy, Governance & Finance Committee if possible;


f) that the revenue growth items and capital/special revenue projects programme 2020/21 and beyond be noted.