Agenda item

Sports and Recreation Grounds

To receive and consider the following reports:


a)      Buttercross Footpath – report of Operations & Estates Officer enclosed;


b)     Leys Recreation Ground – pitch renovations - report of Operations & Estates Officer (to follow);


c)      Witney Swifts Cricket Club – proposed move to West Witney Sports Ground – correspondence and Operations & Estates Officers report enclosed;


d)     West Witney Bowls Footpath – Operations & Estates Officers report (to follow);


e)     Sports Pitches Bowls Maintenance Specification & Pesticide Policy – Operations & Estates Officer report – and report from STRI Ltd (to follow);


f)       West Witney Sports & Social Club – Verbal update following the EGM on 8 November 2019 – if appropriate;


g)      Sports Strategy – Verbal update from Town Clerk.


a) Buttercross Lane Footpath


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer and quotes for the path to be constructed.


b) Leys Recreation Ground – Pitch Renovations


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer.  Members discussed the fact that that the area containing pitch 1 could not host both sports and events.  Quotes had been obtained to put the pitch back into operation but members agreed that it would be better to leave this side of The Leys purely for events, although some basic maintenance and decompaction would be required for the public’s ad hoc use, as it was still ultimately a recreation ground for public use. 


The Committee discussed the recommendations made by the Operations and Estates Officer but agreed to defer these as there were meetings with WODC (with the possibility of new pitches) and Wood Green School coming up.  Members also felt that they needed to discuss options further with the Spartans before making firm decisions.


c) Witney Swifts Cricket Club


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer and correspondence from The Club, regarding the relocation to West Witney Sports Ground.


d) West Witney Bowls Club Footpath


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer, concerning the resurfacing of the footpath at the Club.


e) Sports Pitches, Bowls Maintenance Specification & Pesticide Policy


The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations and Estates Officer and the STRI report on Grounds Maintenance and a pesticide policy for sports pitches.


f) West Witney Sports and Social Club


Cllr Gwatkin provided a verbal update on the status of West Witney Sports and Social Club.


g) Sports Strategy


The Town Clerk gave a verbal report on the sports strategy explaining that a piece of work that was done in 2012 was being updated and would be brought back to the Committee when ready.




a)  that the report be noted and that the work be carried out to the Buttercross Path by G Ayres at a cost of £2,388.00 plus VAT;


b) to defer consideration of the Operations and Estates Officer’s recommendations relating to the Leys Recreation Ground and maintenance of football pitch 1 until meetings had been held with WODC, the Spartans and Wood Green School;


c)  that the report regarding the Witney Swifts Cricket Club be noted and :-


         i.            the Swifts Cricket Club be given permission to use the Cricket Pavilion at West Witney Sports Ground and to carry out works to the kitchen etc and the decoration;

       ii.            that provision for the requirement of additional tables and chairs in the pavilion be made from the Town Council’s storage;

     iii.            that permission be given for a 10’ x 8’ or 8’ shipping container to be sited for the Swifts at West Witney Sports Ground;

     iv.            that permission be given for the storage of cricket covers etc over winter in the old Grounds Contractors depot;

       v.            that permission be given for portable cricket practice nets and that the additional costs for the provision of a practice wicket be added to the Grounds Maintenance Contract;

     vi.            that permission be given to place a cricket score box/shed at West Witney Sports Ground in a suitable area for cricket that does not affect other sports at the site;

    vii.            that the Witney Swifts Cricket Club be given permission to carry out additional match rolling/marking etc;

  viii.            that Cllr Gwatkin speaks to the Club about any requirements they may have for match funding.


d)  that the report in respect of West Witney Bowls Club be noted and: -


          i.            West Witney Bowls Club be informed that there is a requirement for the irrigation cabling to be either sheathed or buried deeper to a depth of 18” in order to protect the cable from damages and that if this is not done a written undertaking must be given stating that Witney Town Council or its contractors will not be held responsible for any damage to the cable in the future;

        ii.            that G Ayres is employed to undertake the footpath works at a cost of £3,180.00 plus VAT, and that the Operations and Estates Officer tries to negotiate a discount as the contractor will be carrying out multiple works for the Town Council.


e)  that the report on sports pitches, bowls maintenance specification and pesticide policy be noted and: -


         i.            that the new Sports pitch Pesticide Policy be agreed;

       ii.            that the increased Sports Pitches and Bowls Greens Specification be agreed;

     iii.            that the additional cost on the Grounds Maintenance Contract for the updated specification be agreed;

f)  that the verbal update from Cllr Gwatkin on the status of West Witney Sports & Social Club be noted;

g) that the verbal update from the Town Clerk in respect of the Council’s Sports Strategy be noted.


Supporting documents: