Agenda item


To receive and consider motions in accordance with standing order 13. The full texts of the motions are enclosed.


1.            Start Times of Meetings – Proposed by Cllr O Collins

2.            Flag Flying – Proposed by Cllr Bolger



The Council received and considered two motions as follows:


1.            Start Times of Meetings


In line with Standing Order 23, we the undersigned request that the resolution arising from minute no. 181 of the Annual Council meeting held on 15 May 2019 be overturned

“that the timetable of meetings as circulated be approved subject to the start times of meetings being changed to 7pm.”


And that the following Special Motion be accepted:


                This Council notes:

a)       That since May 2019, committee and sub-committee meetings have been moved from their previous start time of 6pm to their new time of 7pm.

b)      That this change has had a considerable detriment on the officers and staff of the Council, negatively affecting both their work-life balance and, as a result, their ability to carry out their duties to maximum efficiency (as per reports at the last Policy, Governance and Finance Committee and Personnel Sub-Committee).


This Council resolves:

a)       That staff welfare and wellbeing should be of paramount priority when setting the times for meetings of committees, sub-committees, and working parties.

b)      That therefore, with immediate effect for the next cycle of meetings, timings shall be moved from 7pm back to their original start time of 6pm (with the exceptions of Full Council and Policy, Governance and Finance Committee.)


Proposed: Cllr O Collins

Seconded: Cllrs L Ashbourne, M. Jones, D. Enright


2.            Flag Flying



This Council notes that:

a) With Brexit at the top of the political agenda, dominating the headlines and with the government in disarray after years of trying to negotiate a deal with the European Union, our political system is leaving many to feel powerless and excluded from the key decisions that affect them;

b) There is a real possibility that the UK may crash out of the EU without a deal on the 31st October 2019, or on a date soon after, this council recognises that this uncertainty is damaging to our economy both locally and nationally;

c) The relationships with our European twin towns, Unterhaching and Le Touquet are ones we are proud of and we value their continued comradeship

d) Our town of Witney and our residents will be hugely affected by whatever deal or no deal is reached and as the town council our moral obligation is to do everything in our power to bring unity and a sense of being to our community;

In light of the above, this Council therefore resolves to:


1. Commit to continuing our proud, strong and comradely relationships with our European twin towns, Unterhaching and Le Touquet

2. As a show of solidarity to our twin towns, fly the 
flags of Unterhaching and Le Touquet from the Witney Town Hall on 31st October 2019, or whatever day the UK leaves in European Union

3. Invite our residents to celebrate the relationship we all have with our twin towns at this time of uncertainty

Proposed: Cllr R Bolger

Seconded: Cllr J Aitman




1.            that motion one, as presented by Cllr Collins, be passed with 16 members in favour and one against;


2.            that the second motion, as presented by Cllr Bolger, be passed with the following amendments:


·         “Government” in a) is changed to parliament

·         “Witney” is inserted between Unterhaching and Le Touquet in c)

·         “at this time of uncertainty” is removed from the final sentence.