Agenda item

Sports, Recreation Grounds & Parks

9.1          Park Road Play Area – To receive an update from the Town Clerk

9.2          Oxfordshire F.A. – This is a standing item on this committee’s agenda to discuss and consider the future football pitch provision for Witney and funding streams available

9.3          Witney Town Bowls – verbal update, if appropriate, following meeting with the club on 27 June 2019

9.4          Update report from the Operations & Estates Officer

9.5          Request from Witney Mills Cricket Club towards grounds maintenance – correspondence enclosed.


a)       Park Road Play Area 


Members received a report from the Town Clerk updating the current legal situation with regards to ownership and agreed that it should be rigorously pursued in order to bring this play area back into use quickly.


b)      Oxfordshire FA


The committee were in agreement that a larger vision on sports across the Council’s estates and Witney was required to consider the expanding and shifting population of the town. It was agreed that a forum should be held in order to formulate this vision.


c)        Witney Town Bowls 


Members advised a successful meeting had taken place with the club on 27 June 2019 and the three main issues of; sewer across the Leys, grey water at from the Splash Park and the use of the sixth rink were discussed. The club had been supportive of the discussions and long term plans for the area.


d)       Update from the Operations and Estates Officer


The committee received the report of the Operations and Estates Officer concerning the installation of a container at West Witney Sports ground for Parkrun, the West Witney Bowls Irrigation System, the request for an additional pitch for Witney Vikings, football storage and the preparation of cricket wickets.


Members heard that the number of football teams were expanding across Witney and many played at the same time – it would be beneficial from a grounds maintenance view if some could play during other times of the weekend.




1. that with regard to Park Road Play Area this issue be deferred to the next meeting along with the current budget in place and any previous consultation findings;


2. that the Town Council facilitates a Sports Forum with all sports teams before the end of 2019 to formulate a long term vision of sport provision in the town.


3. that the Town Council writes to Witney Town Bowls Club to request a strategy to reach out to the community, including schools, ICE centre for use of the sixth rink;


4. that the Council investigates the sewerage at the Leys alongside re-development of the Coffee Shed/Pavilion within the next two years;  and that within this time, no football pitches or events are allowed to be in the vicinity of the sewers.


5. that the Town Council agrees to the request for an additional pitch by the Witney Vikings Football Club, subject to them being asked if they are able to re-arrange the schedule of games during the weekend;


6. that the Town Council contacts Witney Swifts Cricket Club to advise that they submit a proposal concerning ground covers and ask if they are able to apply for a grant from the England Cricket Board;


7. that a grant of £500 be agreed for Witney Mills Cricket Club towards the maintenance of the ground.