This page lists the meetings for Halls, Cemeteries & Allotments.
Earlier meetings. Later meetings.
Terms of Reference for the Halls, Cemeteries and Allotments Committee:
a) To operate, maintain and control the Corn Exchange, Burwell Hall, Langdale Hall and Madley Park Hall in all matters relative to their use as public halls be it through direct management or via trusteeships;
b) The operation of such other buildings as the Council may from time to time acquire if so instructed;
c) To operate and maintain the Cemeteries, burial responsibilities and associated duties, consequential to Statutory or Council requirements, together with the War Memorials;
d) To carry out the Council’s obligations with regard to the Closed Churchyards of St Mary’s and Holy Trinity.
e) To maintain and supervise the Park Road Allotment site and oversee the management of Hailey Road, Lakeside, Newland and Windrush Place Allotments whilst leased to the Witney Allotment Association;
f) The Membership of the Committee shall consist of 6 Members plus the Town Mayor and the Leader of the Council ex officio with voting rights;
g) The quorum of the Committee shall be 4 Members.
The Action Plan for this Committee in the 2024-25 Council year can be seen here