Venue: Virtual Meeting via MS Teams - Virtual Meeting. View directions
Contact: Committee Clerk
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To consider apologies and reasons for absence.
Committee Members who are unable to attend the meeting should notify the Committee Clerk to the meeting, stating the reason for absence.
Standing Order 30(d)(v) permits the appointment of substitute Councillors to a Committee whose role is to replace ordinary ... view the full agenda text for item P545 Minutes: |
Declarations of Interest Members are reminded to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests in any of the items under consideration at this meeting in accordance with the Town Council’s code of conduct. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest from Members or Officers.
Public Participation The meeting will adjourn for this item.
Members of the public may speak for a maximum of five minutes each during the period of public participation, in line with Standing Order 42. Matters raised shall relate to the following items on the agenda. Minutes: There was no public participation.
(Councillor J Treloar joined the meeting at 6:06pm)
Residents Satisfaction Survey Actions To receive and consier the report of the Deputy Town Clerk. Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk regarding actions resulting from the annual resident’s satisfaction survey.
Members asked that Officers prepare estimates for the widening of the Country Park paths so that a formal decision may be made as to whether this would be viable. ... view the full minutes text for item P548 |
Planning Applications To receive and consider a schedule of Planning Applications from West Oxfordshire District Council. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received and considered a schedule of planning applications from West Oxfordshire District Council.
That, the comments, as per the attached schedule be forwarded to West Oxfordshire District Council.
Correspondence regarding 24/02119/LBC Newland Nursing Home, 50 Newland, Witney. To receive and consider correspondence from West Oxfordshire District Council regarding planning application 24/02119/LBC Newlands House Nursing Home, 50 Newland, Witney. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the correspondence received from West Oxfordshire District Council in respect of Planning Application 24/02119/LBC.
Given the urgent nature of the request requesting Witney Town Council to respond, by prior agreement of West Oxfordshire District Council, documents were circulated electronically to members of this Committee in order to ... view the full minutes text for item P550 |
Application for Minor Variation - Witney Local, 9 Market Square, Witney To receive & consider application W/24/01053/PRMMV for a Variation of Premises Licence at 9 Market Square, Witney, under the Licensing Act 2003.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee noted the Application for Minor Variation from Witney Local, 9 Market Square, Witney under the Licencing Act 2003.
Given the short statutory timescale for Witney Town Council to respond, by prior agreement of West Oxfordshire District Council, documents were circulated electronically to members of this Committee.
That, ... view the full minutes text for item P551 |
Application for Renewal of Pavement Licence - The Fleece Hotel, 11 Church Green, Witney, To receive and consider a Pavement Licence Application for The Fleece Hotel, 11 Church Green, Witney under the Business and Planning Act 2020.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received and considered the Pavement Licence Application for The Fleece Hotel, 11 Church Green, Witney under the Business and Planning Act 2020.
That, the following response be forwarded to the licencing team at West Oxfordshire District Council.
“Witney Town Council has no objections to this application”
To receive and consider a Pavement Licence Application for Part & Parcel Pub Ltd, 2-4 Market Square, Witney under the Business and Planning Act 2020. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the renewal Pavement Licence Application for Part & Parcel Pub Ltd, 2-4 Market Square, Witney under the Business and Planning Act 2020.
Given the short statutory timescale for Witney Town Council to respond, by prior agreement of West Oxfordshire District Council, documents were circulated electronically to members of ... view the full minutes text for item P553 |
Given the short statutory timescale for Witney Town Council to respond, by prior agreement of West Oxfordshire District Council, documents are circulated electronically for the consideration of members of this Committee ... view the full agenda text for item P554 Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee noted the renewal Pavement Licence Application for Huffkins, 35 High Street, Witney under the Business and Planning Act 2020.
Given the short statutory timescale for Witney Town Council to respond, by prior agreement of West Oxfordshire District Council, documents were circulated electronically to members of this Committee.
Resolved: ... view the full minutes text for item P554 |
(Councillor S Simpson left the meeting at 6:45pm)
Witney Shores Green - Lighting Scheme - Planning Ref: R.103/24 To consider a consultation from Oxfordshire Country Council in respect of an application for works associated with the construction of the A40 Shores Green Junction.
Details of documents can be found at:
Minutes: The Committee received and considered the Lighting Scheme under Planning Ref: R3.0103/24 in respect of the works at the Shores Green Junction of the A40.
Members welcomed the detailed information provided in the report as the project proceeded.
That, the following response be submitted to Oxfordshire County Council:
Witney ... view the full minutes text for item P555 |
Witney Shores Green - Drainage strategy - Planning Ref: R3.0104/24 To consider a consultation from Oxfordshire Country Council in respect of an application for works associated with the construction of the A40 Shores Green Junction.
Details of documents can be found at:
Minutes: The Committee received and considered the Drainage Strategy under Planning Ref: R3.0104/24 in respect of the works at the Shores Green Junction of the A40.
Members welcomed the detailed information provided in the report as the project proceeded.
That, the following response be submitted to Oxfordshire County Council:
Witney ... view the full minutes text for item P556 |
Witney Shores Green - Landscaping Scheme - Planning Ref: R3.0105/24 To consider a consultation from Oxfordshire Country Council in respect of an application for works associated with the construction of the A40 Shores Green Junction.
Details of documents can be found at:
Minutes: The Committee received and considered the Landscaping Scheme under Planning Ref: R3.0105/24 in respect of the works at the Shores Green Junction of the A40.
Members welcomed the detailed information provided in the report as the project proceeded.
That, the following response be submitted to Oxfordshire County Council:
Witney ... view the full minutes text for item P557 |
To note the approval of Condition No. 3 (Construction Environmental Management Plan) for the development.
Details of documents can be found at:
Minutes: The Committee received correspondence relating to the approval of Planning Application Ref: R3.0078/24 (Construction Environmental Management Plan) at the Shores Green Junction of the A40.
That, the correspondence be noted.
To note the approval of Condition No. 12 (Archaeology Written Scheme of Investigation) for the development.
Details of documents can be found at:
Minutes: The Committee received correspondence relating to the approval of Planning Application Ref: R3.0081/24 (Archaeology Written Scheme of Investigation) at the Shores Green Junction of the A40.
That, the correspondence be noted.
Witney Shores Green - Arboricultural Impact Assessment - Planning Ref: R3.0095/24 To note the approval of Condition 16 (Arboricultural Impact Assessment) for the development.
Details of documents can be found at:
Minutes: The Committee received correspondence relating to the approval of Planning Application Ref: R3.0095/24 (Arboricultural Impact Assessment) at the Shores Green Junction of the A40.
That, the correspondence be noted