Venue: Virtual Meeting Room via Zoom. View directions
Contact: Deputy Town Clerk
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To consider apologies and reasons for absence.
Committee Members who are unable to attend the meeting should notify the Deputy Town Clerk ( prior to the meeting, stating the reason for absence.
Standing Order 309a)(v) permits the appointment of substitute Councillors to a Committee whose role is ... view the full agenda text for item P118 Minutes: An apology for absence was received from Cllr R Bolger.
Declarations of Interest Members are reminded to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests in any of the items under consideration at this meeting in accordance with the Town Council’s code of conduct. Minutes: There were no interests declared by members at the meeting.
Public Participation The meeting will adjourn for this item.
Members of the public may speak for a maximum of five minutes each during the period of public participation, in line with Standing Order 42. Matters raised shall relate to the following items on the agenda. Minutes: The Committee adjourned for this item.
A member of the public addressed the Committee on agenda item 6, request to purchase Town Council land adjacent to 67 Thorney Leys, Witney,
The Committee reconvened following public participation.
Planning Applications PDF 11 KB To receive and consider a schedule of Planning Applications from West Oxfordshire District Council. Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee received and considered a schedule of planning applications received from West Oxfordshire District Council.
That the comments, as per the attached schedule, be forwarded to West Oxfordshire District Council.
Witney Traffic Advisory Committee Minutes PDF 372 KB To receive the minutes of the Witney Traffic Advisory Committee meeting held on 12th January 2021. Minutes: The Committee received the minutes of the Witney Traffic Advisory Committee meeting held on 12 January 2021.
Members discussed the items debated at the meeting and enquired on the progress of talks on the issues raised, particularly in relation to the bus service at West Witney.
1. That the ... view the full minutes text for item P122 |
Request to purchase Town Council Land - 67 Thorney Leys PDF 354 KB To receive and consider the report of the Operations and Estates Advisor. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee received and considered the report of the Operations & Estates Advisor regarding a request by a resident to purchase land at the rear of 67 Thorney Leys, Witney.
Members were concerned of the impact on biodiversity in this area should the land be incorporated into a garden and highlighted ... view the full minutes text for item P123 |
Salt Cross Garden Village Area Action Plan (AAP) PDF 157 KB To receive correspondence from West Oxfordshire District Council concerning the proposed Salt Cross Garden Village Area Action Plan. Minutes: The Committee received and considered the Salt Cross Garden Village Area Action Plan from West Oxfordshire District Council.
That the Salt Cross Garden Village Area Action Plan (AAP) be noted.
Oxfordshire County Council Local Transport and Connectivity Plan - Vision Consultation PDF 145 KB To receive and consider a consultation from Oxfordshire County Council concerning a local transport and connectivity plan for Oxfordshire. Please use the link as follows to view the documentation:-
Minutes: The Committee received consultation documents from Oxfordshire County Council concerning a Local Transport & Connectivity Plan.
This was a key document which would shape the County’s plans until 2050 and members agreed the Town Council should offer a comprehensive response on behalf of Witney, as a service centre and largest town ... view the full minutes text for item P125 |
New street name - Access road for new school - West Witney PDF 103 KB To receive and consider correspondence from West Oxfordshire District Council concerning a name for the access road for the new school at West Witney. Additional documents:
Minutes: The committee received and considered a request to name a new school access road at the West Witney development.
Members felt that the suggestions of School Road and School Lane were too generic and an alternative suggestion by the River Learning Trust of River Road did not fit in with ... view the full minutes text for item P126 |