Agenda and minutes

Venue: Virtual Meeting Room via Zoom. View directions

Contact: Office Manager 

No. Item


Election of Chair for the meeting


As the Chair of the Committee, Cllr Price had sent her apologies, the Committee was required to elect a Chair for the meeting.  Cllr Coles was proposed, seconded and duly elected.


RESOLVED:         that Cllr Coles be elected Chair for the meeting.


Apologies for Absence

To receive and consider apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs L Price, T Fenton, Y Constance, S Bartington and T Morris. Further apologies were received from Maria Wheatley from West Oxfordshire District Council.


Public Participation

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting.  Any member of the public who so wishes may speak, at this point in the meeting, for a maximum of five minutes on any matter relating to an item on the agenda.


The Committee adjourned to receive public participation from the Windrush Valley Traffic Action Group (WiVTAG) who addressed the Committee regarding the Burford Bridge Closure to 7.5 tonnes.


After his address, the Committee reconvened.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 372 KB

To receive and consider the minutes of the Witney Traffic Advisory Meeting held on 12 January 2021.


The Committee received and considered the minutes of the Witney Traffic Advisory Committee meeting held on 12 January 2021.


Matters arising from the Minutes not covered in the Action Plan or subsequent items


There were no matters arising from the minutes of the Witney Traffic Advisory Committee meeting held on 12 January 2021.


Committee Membership pdf icon PDF 353 KB

To receive and consider a request from the Oxfordshire Association for the Blind (OAB) to be a co-opted organisation on the Witney Traffic Advisory Committee. If agreed, that Mark Upton be a named representative of OAB and be invited to future meetings of the committee.


The Town Clerk has suggested that Witney’s Independent Parish Transport Representative, currently David Miles should also be considered for membership.


A copy of the Witney Traffic Advisory terms of reference are attached for information.


The Committee received requests from the Oxfordshire Association of Blind and the Town Clerk, proposing the Parish Transport Representative, to be co-opted members of the Witney Traffic Advisory Committee.


Members were unanimous that the two organisations and its representatives would be able to offer new and informative perspectives on items debated by the Committee.




1.      That Oxfordshire Association of Blind be co-opted onto the Witney Traffic Advisory Committee, with the current named representative as Mark Upton; and,


2.      That the Parish Transport Representative be co-opted onto the Witney Traffic Advisory Committee, currently David Miles; and,


3.      That the Witney Traffic Advisory Committee terms of reference be updated to reflect these amendments.


Action Plan pdf icon PDF 338 KB

To review the current action plan. (enclosed)


The Committee received and considered the Action Plan from the last meeting as circulated with the agenda.


T700 - Baffle Barriers      It was confirmed this work was on the County Council work plan for the new financial year.


T700 – Shore’s Green    Members heard there had been an update on the A40 scheme and it appeared there were increased costs, not covered by the existing funding. There would be a further public consultation held during the summer.


T700 – Marriott’s Walk  Officers advised the works here had been completed. In response to a member enquiry, it was confirmed the road hump was the same hight as the previous one and would not be heightened.


T700 – Yellow lines          Officers advised a consultation on yellow lines at Compton Way and Judd’s Close had taken place and a report was being presented to an OCC Committee later that week.


T760 & T762                       Members noted these actions concerning parking in Corn Street and Ducklington roundabout were monitoring issues, with no discernible updates at the current time.



Climate Emergency

This is a standing item on the agenda to discuss how the Committee might support the Town Council, which has declared a Climate Emergency.


The Town Clerk advised there was no update from the Town Council concerning the Climate Emergency. The Chair asked if this item was appropriate for this committee and it was agreed that the District and County Councils should be asked if they would like to provide information on how their initiatives affect the climate emergency at future meetings.




That officers from West Oxfordshire District and Oxfordshire County Councils be invited to present relevant information to this committee at future meetings.


Active Travel Schemes - update

To receive a verbal update from Councillors and Officers if appropriate.


Members were advised an active travel update formed part of the report from the Oxfordshire County Council Locality and Area Operations teams.


20's Plenty for Oxfordshire pdf icon PDF 279 KB

To receive a presentation on this initiative from Witney Town Councillor Liz Duncan.


The Committee received a presentation from Cllr Liz Duncan supporting the 20’s Plenty for Oxfordshire scheme.


The scheme was concerned with reducing speed limits in residential areas and was lobbying the County Council to adopt a default 20mph limit in town centres and villages. The results from this would offer better value for money than the current piecemeal approach and


County Council Officers advised it was aware of the scheme and understood the issues. It had many synergies with the open Local Connectivity consultation and design guides for new developments were being updated which would help.




1.      That the Witney Traffic Advisory Committee supports the 20’s Plenty for Oxfordshire scheme; and,


2.      Asks that the scheme is debated at a Witney Town Council meeting of the Climate, Biodiversity & Planning Committee.


Oxfordshire County Council Infrastructure Locality Team and Area Operations Team Update

To receive and consider the report of the Oxfordshire County Council Infrastructure Locality & Area Operations teams.


The Committee received and considered the update provided by the County Council Infrastructure Locality and Operations Teams.


Members heard that discussions had taken place on the West Witney bus service between County Council officers and developers, and the latter had assured that the spine road on the development would be open in the summer.


There was also an update on traffic calming at Cogges Hill Road. At the last meeting, the committee had heard speed data would be required to add any measures and there was currently no funding for this. However, there was some submitted with the East Witney Planning application and from that three sections of raised road had been requested as the County Council’s response. There was nothing further warranted at this time.






That the report and the updates provided be noted.


Oxfordshire County Council Local Transport and Connectivity Plan - Vision Consultation

To receive and consider a consultation from Oxfordshire County Council.  Please use the link below to view the documentation: -



The Committee were made aware of the Oxfordshire County Council Transport & Connectivity Plan – vision consultation.


Members heard this document raised a number of overarching plans for the period up to 2050. The Town Council’s Climate, Biodiversity & Planning Committee had already composed a response on its behalf. The Chair encouraged members of this Committee to consider the plan consultation and enter their comments directly.




That members of the Committee submit their views directly to Oxfordshire County Council via the consultation on its website.


Burford Bridge Closure to 7.5 Tonnes pdf icon PDF 327 KB

The Leader of Witney Town Council has been contacted by surrounding villages Witney requesting the impact of the Burford Bridge closure to 7.5 tonnes be assessed and that OCC be lobbied for traffic monitoring to be undertaken.


The Committee considered the Burford Bridge closure to 7.5 tonne vehicles and the impact this had on the surrounding villages and the centre of Witney.


There was agreement that this was a difficult situation, and that Oxfordshire County Council would need to look at the evidence on whether it was working and how the issues raised by WiVTAG could be addressed. With particular concern to Witney was the increase of traffic through Bridge Street and knock-on effect for air quality, councillors for this area would need to be aware of this and lobby, as necessary. It was agreed that the Committee supports the aims of WiVTAG but the issue should be referred to Witney Town Council for further discussion.




1.      That the Committee supports the goals of the Windrush Valley Traffic Action Group (WiVTAG); and,


2.      Asks that this issue be referred to Witney Town Council for further discussion.


Traffic Safety - Ducklington Lane/McDonalds & Tesco Access Road pdf icon PDF 315 KB


The Committee received correspondence submitted to the Town Clerk concerning the build up of traffic on Ducklington Lane from the McDonalds/Tesco service road.


Members recalled this issued had been presented to them before and at the time there was no resolution as the police had advised there was no enforceable action to be taken. There was agreement the situation had been exacerbated during the Covid-19 lockdowns and with the opening of a gym accessed by the same road the issue was not going to get any better. The Committee felt that every avenue of engaging with the relevant authorities and businesses should be sought before deciding nothing further could be done.




That the Chair of the Committee meets on site with representatives of Oxfordshire County Council Highways, the local policing team and McDonalds.


Holloway Road - Traffic Calming pdf icon PDF 328 KB


The Committee received correspondence submitted to the Town Clerk concerning potential traffic calming measures in Holloway Road, Witney.


Members were unaware there was an issue with anti-social late-night driving along this road so were thankful the resident had brought this to their attention. It was agreed that further information was needed before any recommendation could be passed by the Committee.




That the Chair (Cllr A Coles) speaks to the local neighbourhood policing team about this issue and feeds a response back to the Committee.


Items Raised at the Meeting

To receive and consider any pressing matters from members which may be added to the next meeting agenda for consideration.


There were no further items raised by members at the meeting.


The Chair however noted this was the last Witney Traffic advisory Committee meeting before local elections in May. As County Councillors Laura Price and Suzanne Bartington were not standing for re-election it was agreed that this Committee should offer them its thanks for their support on local transporting and highways throughout their tenures.




That official letters of thanks be forwarded to Cllrs L Price & S Bartington for their support given to the Witney Traffic Advisory Committee.


Date of the Next meeting(s)

The calendar of Witney Traffic Advisory meetings for the 2021-22 municipal year are:


8th June 2021, 28th September 2021, 11th January 2022 and 22nd March 2022.  


These meetings will be held at 2.30pm and will remain virtual until such time as face-to-face meetings are able to resume at Burwell Hall, Witney.


Members received the dates and times for the future meetings of the Witney Traffic Advisory Committee, 2021-22.




That the future meeting dates of the Committee be noted.