Agenda and minutes

Venue: Gallery Room, The Corn Exchange, Witney. View directions

Contact: Committee Clerk 

No. Item


Election of Chair


In the absence of the Chair, Members proposed, seconded and agreed Cllr D Enright as Chair for the meeting.


Apologies for Absence

To receive and consider apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Andrew Coles and Joy Aitman, and Chris Hulme from Thames Valley Police. Councillor Ruth Smith had given advance notice that she would be joining the meeting at 3:15pm.


Public Participation

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting.  Any member of the public who so wishes may speak, at this point in the meeting, for a maximum of five minutes on any matter relating to an item on the agenda.


The Committee received representation from a resident of Ralegh Crescent. D Bridewell spoke in relation to compromised driver visibility caused by on-street parking.


To adopt and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 16 January 2024 (copy enclosed) pdf icon PDF 520 KB


The Committee received the minutes of the Witney Traffic Advisory Committee meeting held on 16 January 2024.




That, the minutes of the Witney Traffic Advisory Committee held on 16 January 2024 be approved and signed by the Chair.


Matters arising from the Minutes not covered in the Action Plan or subsequent items


T4 – In response to a Member, the Chair advised the Festival of Food and Drink would be held during the spring in Carterton, not Witney this year.


T11 - A Member noted the minutes referred to a request for accident data in Witney. OCC Officers had requested the data; a response was outstanding but would be followed up.




That, the information would be shared with this Committee when available.


Deer Park Estate - Parking pdf icon PDF 392 KB

To receive correspondence from a resident (via Cllr T Ashby) regarding parking issues in Ralegh Crescent, Deer Park, Witney.


With the permission of the Committee, the Chair brought forward this agenda item so the member of the public present could hear the outcome.


Members were sympathetic to the concerns raised, and agreed that some white lining to distance parked vehicles from the driveway entrance could help.




That, the OCC Officer present at the meeting put forward this location for the consideration of the lining programme team.


Oxfordshire County Council Reports pdf icon PDF 356 KB

To receive and consider the report of the Oxfordshire County Council Place Planning Team.


The Committee received and considered the Oxfordshire County Council reports which included updates on Shores Green, Witney High Street, Bridge Street options, Fiveways roundabout, Windrush Place road infrastructure, a West End crossing and Madley Park path improvements.


Questions were raised regarding the current timetable for the High Street and Market Square improvements. The next stage of public consultation was expected late Spring. It was requested that the project lead and/or a representative from the appointed Preliminary Design team (Phil Jones Associates (PJA)) attended the next meeting.


Cllr Brooker addressed the consultation process for the Bridge Street Area Options Appraisal Report and asked that the Fire Station be included in the consultation process and their operational need considered as part of the stakeholder engagement exercise.


It was confirmed the County Council had not yet confirmed its position on the preferred scheme, including a West End link option.


Cllr R Smith joined the meeting during this item at 3:15pm


Members were updated on two schemes for improved cycle safety at Fiveways Roundabout. A discussion raised a number of points:


-        The allocated budget from Vision Zero was deemed insufficient for a proper review.

-        In addition to improving cycle safety on the roundabout itself; a new cycleway be created from the Northern end of Ducklington Lane to Fiveways Roundabout.

-        There was a high number of bus movements at Fiveways Roundabout, due to routing and the location of the bus depot; any engineering should consider how buses navigate this area, tables and humps can be problematic.


A Lyons left the meeting during this item at 3:20pm

A Lyons re-joined the meeting during this item at 3:30pm


The discussion moved on to agenda point 4.6. Members were frustrated at the continued delays in the funded works to the Deer Park Bridleway and the two anticipated signalised crossings. Members were sympathetic to the resourcing issues at OCC but were very disappointed at the lack of any action. OCC advised that the works to improve the Deer Park Bridleway surface and the works to improve the Madley Park Path would be combined and managed by the same project lead to maximise efficiency.




1.      That, the OCC project lead for High Street and Market Square Active Travel 3 scheme, and a representative from PJA be invited to attend the next meeting of this Committee.

2.      That OCC will add the Fire Service (Specifically Witney station) to the consultee list for road changes.

3.      That OCC officers engage with Windrush Bike Project on Vision Zero and safer cycling opportunities for Fiveways Roundabout and Corn Street.


Community Speedwatch Update

To receive a verbal update on the Community Speedwatch scheme from the Chair and officers.


The Committee received a verbal update from the Deputy Town Clerk of Witney Town Council regarding the Community Speedwatch Scheme administered by the Committee.


The second session had now taken place, this was at the registered Burford Road site. 217 vehicles were measured with 20% being recorded as over the threshold. Two further sites had been submitted for consideration: Witan Way and Mill Street.


The scheme still required further volunteers to come forward.




That, the verbal update on the Community Speedwatch scheme be noted.


Public Transport Update

To receive an update from members present on any public transport matters, if appropriate.


Also, at the request of the Chair, to discuss bus user’s feedback and the facilitation of a  Witney Bus Users public meeting.


The Committee were advised four new bus shelters were being installed at Windrush Place and  received verbal updates from the Independent Transport Representative on bus related issues.


Countywide travel tickets could be introduced at the end of April/beginning of May. The proposed fares for young passengers being £3.50, and adults £6.50 – This would be the day rate for County wide travel. Options for 7-day tickets would also be available but sold online.


The Chair also raised the possibility of bus users feedback meeting, administered by the Committee during the summer. It would be a simple meeting, but funds would need to be sought for the hire of the Corn Exchange if that were to be the agreed venue.


A Member also spoke in favour of a bus shelter being installed on Woodstock Road, at Woodgreen. The Deputy Town Clerk advised this issue was being explored by the Town Council.




1.      That, the verbal update from the Independent Parish Transport representative be noted and,

2.      That, the Committee holds a bus users feedback meeting during the summer.


H2 Bus Service Extension - Correspondence received pdf icon PDF 430 KB

To receive correspondence from Oxfordshire County Council regarding in response to a letter from the Committee following the meeting held on 16 January 2024, minute no T5 refers.


A response from Oxfordshire County Council on this issue, raised by a resident at the  last meeting, had been received and was presented for information. The resident who raised this issue had been sent a copy of the response.


Members noted the potential options did not offer a direct service between Witney and the Churchill Hospital and the Oxford North scheme, as listed, appeared to be the preferred option.




That, the response from the Oxfordshire County Council be noted.


Items Raised at the Meeting

To receive and consider any pressing matters from members which may be added to the next meeting agenda for consideration.


A Member raised visibility at Hailey Road and asked if white lining could be added, as in other places to push cars further back from the junction.


Black lining at Corn Street was raised by a Member as it had worn off and was confusing all road users. If there was not a more robust black paint, burning off the white markings would be a safer alternative.


Several Members had mentioned traffic flow in Witney during the meeting. There was a concern raised about pupils entering Henry Box School from The Crofts – traffic flow data on what was currently happening around town would be beneficial to see where pinch points and problems were occurring. Members agreed the School Streets scheme should be looked at again following disappointing first attempt in recent years.


A Member asked about the use of mirrors to assist with visibility, particularly regarding the junction of Compton Way. The OCC Officer advised visibility mirrors were not a preferred option and it would be more beneficial to push the parking away from the junction with white lining.


Richmond Village had approached a Member with a proposal for the extension of footpaths on Thorney Leys and Curbridge Road. It was agreed this should be on the next agenda for consideration.


A Member raised the problem of verge parking and whether the OCC parking enforcement team were dealing with this or whether anything further could be done.


Town Council officers advised a local vehicle safety company had approached the Council about a road safety roadshow in July; details would be circulated to Members who may be interested to attend.


Finally, the zebra crossing markings opposite St Mary’s Mead, at the entrance to the Leisure Centre had worn off of the road. The OCC Officer advised she would take this back to Highways officers.




1.      That, the County Council explores white lining options at Hailey Road, Compton Way and Witan Way/Leisure Centre.

2.      That, more robust black lining measures at Corn Street are considered by the County Council.

3.      That, School Streets is added to the next meeting’s agenda.

4.      That, Richmond Village’s footpath extension proposal is discussed at the next meeting.

5.      That, a County Council parking enforcement update is requested for the next meeting.



Date of the Next meeting(s)

To receive the date of the next meeting of Witney Traffic Advisory Committee for information.

The scheduled meetings for the new municipal year are: 11 June 2024, 24 September 2024, 21 January 2025 and 18 March 2025 all at 2.30pm.


Members were advised the forthcoming meetings of the Committee would be held on 11 June, 24 September 2024, and 21 January, 18 March 2025, all at 2.30pm.