Venue: Virtual Meeting Room via Zoom. View directions
No. | Item |
Election of Chair To elect a Chair for the meeting. Minutes: Nominations were sought for the position of Chair for the meeting.
It was proposed and duly seconded that Cllr Andrew Coles be elected Chair. There being no other nominations it was:
That, Cllr Andrew Coles be elected Chair for the meeting.
Apologies for Absence To receive apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Trevor Bayliss (Stagecoach), Cllr Mark Johnson (WODC), Cllr Jim King (Witney TC), Ness Scott (WODC) and Maria Wheatley (WODC).
Public Participation Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting. Any member of the public who so wishes may speak, at this point in the meeting, for a maximum of five minutes on any matter relating to an item on the agenda. Minutes: The Committee adjourned to receive public participation from Mr Lockwood representing Burwell Meadow Residents Group regarding a request for a Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) at Burwell Meadow.
After the address, the Committee Reconvened.
To adopt and sign as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 23 March 2021 Minutes: Resolved:
That, the minutes of the Witney Traffic Advisory Committee held on 23 March 2021 be approved and signed by the Chair subject to the inclusion of Trevor Bayliss in the list of those present.
Matters arising from the Minutes not covered in the Action Plan or subsequent items Minutes: There were no matters arising from the minutes.
To review the current action plan. (enclosed) Minutes: The Committee received and considered the Action Plan from the last meeting as circulated with the agenda.
T760 – Parking at top end of Corn Street
It was reported that this was still causing access problems, particularly for buses, and West Oxfordshire District Council were looking at increased enforcement.
T762 – Concerns on Ducklington Roundabout
It was advised that Ducklington Parish Council had raised ongoing concerns regarding the operation of the roundabout following new development in the vicinity. It was explained that pedestrian/cycle safety was an issue and it was noted that the bus stop had been moved.
T778 – West Witney Bus Service/Spine Road
It was noted that September was the proposed opening date for the new spine road.
T781 – Service Road, Ducklington Lane
It was reported that the meeting was yet to be held but it was hoped that the relaxation of coronavirus restrictions may improve the situation. A member advised that the problem seemed to have been better in recent weeks. It was agreed that an update be presented at the next meeting.
T782 – Holloway Road, Traffic Calming
The Chair reported that he had visited the site and would continue to liaise with TVP.
That, progress on the Action Plan be noted.
Climate Emergency This is a standing item on the agenda to discuss how the Committee might support the Town Council, which has declared a Climate Emergency. Minutes:
It was reported that Ness Scott, Climate Change Manager at WODC, would be attending future meetings of the Committee and would provide updates accordingly. It was further reported that the County Council also had a new post looking at climate issues and develop appropriate plans. It was noted that this would also pick up on the work undertaken by the previous administration.
In response to a question it was advised that the Active Travel corridor was not complete and areas where works couldn’t be done were being identified to see if alternative solutions could be found. It was noted that WODC was having regular meetings of the Climate Action Group.
To receive and consider the report of the Principal Officer – Traffic Schemes Area Operations (North) Minutes: The Principal Officer at Oxfordshire County Council outlined her report and updated on issues.
Infrastructure Update
1.1 Witney Active Travel Scheme
It was noted that temporary lights had been removed on Oxford Hill and it was asked if this was temporary until new permanent lights were installed. The Principal Officer agreed to contact the relevant officer for an update.
With regard to resurfacing works and barriers at Woodgreen and Madley Park it was agreed that an update would be sought.
1.2 Windrush Bike Project Barriers Report
It was explained that the position had been reviewed and cost options looked at. The locations needed to be properly assessed and land ownerships confirmed.
1.3 Windrush Place Section 106
Confirmation was given that discussion was ongoing with the developers regarding the provision of all weather surfaces on the right of way upgrades.
1.4 Witney Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)
It was reported that a bid had been made to central government for funding and relevant partners, including local walking and accessibility groups, would be invited to a meeting to discuss options for schemes.
1.5 A40/B4022 Shores Green
It was noted that the consultation had closed and responses were being compiled with a view to a planning application being submitted by the end of the year.
Operations Report
2.1 & 2.2 Upcoming Works and Lining
The list of proposed works was noted.
2.3 Oxford Hill to Newlands – Parking Restrictions
It was reported that this project had been completed.
Members raised issues regarding Park Road and Valence Crescent and it was agreed that these could be looked at in due course. The issue of suitable surfacing for cyclists was also raised.
Community Speedwatch To consider the Community Speedwatch scheme and how it could be implemented in Witney.
Minutes: The Chair advised that this had been raised pre-pandemic and could now be pursued further.
Members were advised that the TVP Speedwatch Co-Ordinator was trialling a new scheme which it was hoped to rollout in the Autumn. It was emphasised that equipment and training could be provided through TVP and the scheme was preventative and not enforcement.
It was agreed that the matter be added to the next agenda.
Councillor Fenton and Andrew Lyon left the meeting at this juncture.
Burford Experimental Traffic 7.5 Tonne Regulation Order To receive an interim report from Oxfordshire County Council of the traffic count data collected as part of the ongoing monitoring of this scheme. Minutes: The committee was reminded that they had given support to WIVTAG which was a consortium of local council and interested parties seeking revocation of the trial order due to the impact on neighbouring communities.
Members noted the potential impact on Witney and the data seeming to indicate that there was a significant increase in HGV traffic on a number of roads in the town. It was reported that the temporary order would run until early 2022 and be subject to regular review.
It was suggested and agreed that the matter be referred to the Climate, Biodiversity & Planning Committee with a recommendation that the restrictions be lifted at the earliest opportunity.
That the matter be referred to the Climate, Biodiversity & Planning Committee with a recommendation that the current temporary order be revoked.
Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) - Burwell Meadow To consider a request from Burwell Meadow Residents' Group in respect of a Low Traffic Neighbourhood (LTN) scheme for Burwell Meadow. Minutes: Members considered a request for a Low Traffic Neighbourhood at Burwell Meadow together with the views expressed in the public participation.
Members questioned whether it would be feasible to stop through traffic. It was suggested that further advice was needed from the Highway Authority and further evidence would be needed.
That the matter be discussed further by officers and added to the list of sites for Community Speedwatch.
Hailey Road/Farmers Close - Safety Concerns To consider issues raised by Cllr Andrew Prosser following a meeting with local residents. Minutes: Councillor Prosser outlined a number of concerns regarding pedestrian safety, visibility, speeding vehicles and the use of Farmers Close as a cut through. In particular there was concern about the visibility of beacons on the zebra crossing and the condition of the road markings.
Members concurred that the issues were significant and OCC officers undertook to examine the issues raised with colleagues.
West Witney - Deer Park Road Speed Limit Concern has been raised by residents to officers at the Town Council and Councillors concerning the speed limit on this stretch of road. Minutes: The committee noted the issues raised and that it was a particular problem at night. It was agreed that the site could be added to the Community Speedwatch list and other issues raised through OCC.
Kevin Hickman left the meeting at this juncture.
Items Raised at the Meeting To receive and consider any matters from members which may be added to the next meeting agenda for consideration. Minutes: Witney High Street
An update was received from Will Barton, West Oxfordshire District Council, regarding the future of restrictions placed on Witney High Street during the pandemic. It was noted that a consultation process was being undertaken.
It was acknowledged that there had been a mixed response from businesses regarding the restrictions. There was anecdotal evidence that the measures were popular with residents and some areas were being used more.
Members discussed the positive impact of increased pedestrian access, the legal implications of extending restrictions and making as many residents as possible aware of the survey. The effect on bus stops and services was also considered including access for larger vehicles past the barriers.
Will Barton thanked members for the feedback and that discussions with all interested parties would be ongoing and an update would be provided to the September Traffic Advisory meeting.
School Streets Trial
Councillor Aitman reported that the trial scheme had been positive with a lot of support from residents. OCC would be evaluating the success of the project.
John Croxton
The Chair expressed his thanks to John Croxton who had represented TVP at the meetings for a number of years and had now retired.
Date of the Next meeting(s) To note that future meetings of the Winey Traffic Advisory Committee are scheduled for 28th September 2021 and 11th January & 22nd March 2022. Minutes: The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday 28 September 2021 commencing at 2.30pm.