Venue: Gallery Room, The Corn Exchange, Witney. View directions
Contact: Town Clerk
No. | Item |
Election of Town Mayor 2024/25 To receive nominations for the position of Chair/Mayor for the civic year 2024/2025 and to elect the Chair/Mayor. Minutes: Following the appointment of Cllr O Collins as Mayor-Elect at the meeting of the Council on 15 April 2024, he invited any further nominations for the position of Town Mayor for the ensuing municipal year however none were forthcoming.
Other than one abstention from Cllr O Collins, all members were in agreement. Cllr O Collins was therefore nominated and duly elected Chair/Mayor by the Council.
He thanked all members for the support he received in his first year as Mayor and looked forward to his second term.
1. That, Cllr Owen Collins be elected Town Mayor/Chair of Witney Town Council for the ensuing municipal year 2024/25 and, 2. That, the Declaration of Acceptance of Office be signed following the meeting in the presence of the Proper Officer of the Council.
Election Of Deputy Mayor 2024/25 To receive nominations for the position of Deputy Chair/Mayor for the civic year 2024/2025 and to elect the Deputy Chair/Mayor. Minutes: The new Chair invited nominations for the position of Deputy Town Mayor for the ensuing municipal year. Cllr A Bailey was nominated and duly elected Deputy Mayor by the Council.
The Mayor expressed his thanks to the outgoing Deputy Mayor, Cllr G Meadows for the support provided and for attending events when he could not.
1. That, Cllr Andy Bailey be elected Deputy Town Mayor/Chair of Witney Town Council for the ensuing municipal year 2024/25 and, 2. That, the Declaration of Acceptance of Office be signed following the meeting in the presence of the Proper Officer of the Council.
Election of Leader 2024/25 To receive nominations for the position of Leader of Witney Town Council for the Council term and to elect the Leader. Minutes: The Chair invited nominations for the position of Leader of the Town Council. Cllr R Smith was nominated and elected by the Council.
1. That, Cllr Ruth Smith be elected as the Leader of the Town Council for the ensuing municipal year 2024/25.
Election of Deputy Leader 2024/25 To receive nominations for the position of Deputy Leader of Witney Town Council for the Council term and to elect the Deputy Leader. Minutes: The Chair invited nominations for the position of Deputy Leader of the Town Council. Cllr J Aitman was nominated and elected by the Council.
1. That, Cllr Joy Aitman be elected as the Deputy Leader of the Town Council for the ensuing municipal year 2024/25
(Members heard from Councillor J Doughty who stepped down as leader of the Conservative members of the Town Council, she was replaced by Cllr David Edwards-Hughes. She thanked the Leader & Mayor for their support over the past year)
Apologies for Absence To consider apologies and reasons for absence.
Committee Members who are unable to attend the meeting should notify the Committee Clerk prior to the meeting, stating the reason for absence.
Standing Order 30(d)(v) permits the appointment of substitute Councillors to a Committee whose role is to replace ordinary Councillors at a meeting of a Committee if ordinary Councillors of the Committee have confirmed to the Proper Officer before the meeting that they are unable to attend. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Treloar and Temple due to their work commitments.
An apology was also received from the Town Clerk/CEO.
Declarations of Interest Members are reminded to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests in any of the items under consideration at this meeting in accordance with the Town Council’s code of conduct. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest from Members or officers.
(The Communications & Community Engagement Officer & Business Administration Apprentice left at 7:13pm)
To approve and adopt the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 15 April 2024 in accordance with Standing Order 18 including questions on the minutes as to the progress of any item. Minutes: The minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 15 April 2024 were received and considered.
That, the minutes of the Council meeting held on 15 April 2024 be approved as a correct record of the meeting and be signed by the Chair.
Public Participation The meeting will adjourn for this item.
Members of the public may speak for a maximum of five minutes each during the period of public participation, in line with Standing Order 42. Matters raised shall relate to the following items on the agenda. Minutes: There was no public participation.
Adoption of Meetings Calendar 2024/25 PDF 122 KB To formally adopt the timetable of Council Committee meetings for the 2024/2025 municipal year. Minutes: The Council received the proposed calendar of meetings for the ensuing 2024/25 municipal year. All Members were in agreement.
That, the calendar of Council meetings be adopted.
Appointment of any new Committees in accordance with Standing Order 30 To consider whether to create any new Council Committees. Minutes: Resolved:
There were no new committees to be appointed.
Review (or request the Town Clerk to review) any TORS To consider whether any Committee terms of reference should be reviewed for the municipal year 2024/25. Minutes: There were no requests made for the review of Terms of Reference at this point.
During the appointment of members to the Policy ,Governance & Finance Committee later in the meeting it was proposed by Cllr D Edwards-Hughes, seconded by Cllr G Meadows that the Committee membership be amended to be six members plus the Mayor and Leader (ex Officio). All Members were in agreement.
a) That, term (x) relating to the membership of the Policy, Governance & Finance Committee be amended to read, The Membership of the Committee shall consist of 6 Members plus the Leader and Town Mayor ex officio.
Appointment of Committees, Sub-Committees and Working Parties and the Election of Chairs PDF 484 KB To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk, and appoint Members to the Standing Committees, Sub-Committees, Working Parties, Task & Finish Groups and Elect the Chairs for the municipal year 2024/25. Minutes: Members received the report of the Deputy Town Clerk and considered the appointment of standing committees, sub committees, working parties and task & finish groups. The following appointments were proposed, seconded, and agreed unanimously:
Climate, Biodiversity & Planning Committee
Cllr O Collins Cllr R Smith Cllr J Aitman Cllr A Bailey Cllr G Meadows Cllr J Doughty Cllr S Simpson Cllr G Doughty
Chair of Committee: Cllr A Bailey
Parks and Recreation Committee
Cllr O Collins Cllr R Smith Cllr J Aitman Cllr T Ashby Cllr R Crouch Cllr J Treloar Cllr D Newcombe Cllr S Simpson
Chair of Committee: Cllr D Newcombe
Halls, Cemeteries & Allotments Committee
Cllr O Collins Cllr R Smith Cllr J Aitman Cllr R Crouch Cllr D Edwards-Hughes Cllr D Enright Cllr D Newcombe Cllr J Robertshaw
Chair of Committee: Cllr R Crouch
Stronger Communities Committee
Cllr O Collins Cllr R Smith Cllr S Simpson Cllr T Ashby Cllr A Bailey Cllr L Cherry Cllr J Doughty Cllr G Meadows
Chair of Committee: Cllr L Cherry
Personnel Sub-Committee
Cllr O Collins Cllr R Smith Cllr J Aitman Cllr A Bailey Cllr R Crouch Cllr D Newcombe Cllr J Doughty Cllr G Meadows
Chair of Sub-Committee: Cllr R Smith
Disciplinary & Grievance Panel
Cllr G Doughty Cllr D Enright Cllr S Simpson
Inclusivity & Diversity Task & Finish Group
All Committee Chairs Christmas Lights Working Party
Cllr T Ashby Cllr R Smith Cllr A Bailey Cllr R Crouch Cllr G Doughty Cllr J Aitman
D-Day Task & Finish Committee
Cllr R Smith Cllr A Bailey Cllr J Robertshaw Cllr J Treloar
Youth Council Task & Finish Committee
Cllr L Cherry Cllr G Meadows Cllr R Smith Cllr J Aitman Cllr S Simpson Cllr R Crouch
Following the agreement to amend the Terms of Reference in respect of the membership of the Committee there were two recommendations for the final appointment to the Policy Governance & Finance Committee.
Cllr G Meadows was proposed by Cllr D Enright, seconded by Cllr G Meadows and, Cllr J Doughty was proposed by Cllr R Smith, seconded by Cllr A Bailey.
Vote was taken: Appointment of Cllr J Doughty 7 Appointment of Cllr G Meadows 5 Abstentions 2
Therefore, Cllr J Doughty was elected to membership of the Policy, Governance and Finance Committee, the final membership being:
Policy, Governance & Finance Committee
Cllr O Collins Cllr R Smith Cllr J Aitman Cllr A Bailey Cllr L Cherry Cllr R Crouch Cllr J Doughty Cllr D Newcombe
Chair of Committee: Cllr J Aitman
1. That the report be noted and, 2. That the membership of the standing committees, sub committees, working parties and task & finish groups and their Chairs be agreed as detailed above.
Appointment to Advisory Committees & External Bodies/Outside Organisations PDF 483 KB To receive and consider the report of the Deputy Town Clerk and appoint Members Advisory Committees & External Bodies/Outside Organisations and Elect the Chairs for the municipal year 2024/25. Minutes: The Council received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk concerning nominations for advisory committees and external bodies/outside organisations.
Requests were received from some members to step down and a replacement sought to serve for the remaining 3-year terms. The following appointments were proposed, seconded, and agreed unanimously:
Witney Traffic Advisory Committee Cllr J Aitman Cllr T Ashby Cllr S Simpson Cllr R Smith
Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils Cllr R Crouch (Larger Councils)
West Witney Sports & Social Club Cllr D Newcombe Cllr R Smith
Witney Town Band Cllr O Collins
Witney District & Twinning Association Cllr O Collins (Mayor) Cllr R Crouch Cllr R Smith
West Oxfordshire Museum Centre Cllr O Collins
St Mary’s Church Preservation Trust Cllr O Collins (Mayor)
Volunteer Link Up Cllr J Aitman
RAF Brize Norton Cllr D Newcombe Local Consultation Working Group
Witney Allotment Association Cllr R Crouch
Witney Youth Council Mentors Cllr G Meadows Cllr S Simpson Cllr J Aitman
Friends of the Cemeteries Cllr J Doughty Cllr D Enright
Home Start Champions Cllr J Aitman Cllr L Cherry Cllr S Simpson
Lower Windrush Valley Project Cllr A Bailey
West Oxfordshire Community Transport Cllr D Enright
Witney Fair Trade Action Group Champion Cllr R Smith
Witney Infrastructure Neighbourhood Group Cllr R Smith Cllr A Bailey
Witney Community Profile Steering Group Cllr L Cherry Cllr J Aitman
Nominees Serving as Trustees The following were proposed as town council nominees to serve on outside bodies for four-year terms of office.
Witney Town Hall Charity Cllr O Collins Cllr S Simpson
Witney Town Charity Cllr G Meadows
Witney Educational Foundation Cllr L Cherry
Madley Park Hall Trust Cllr J Aitman
The Deputy Town Clerk summarised the vacancies for Witney Town Charity and Cogges Welfare Trust Charity. Members agreed unanimously that the following appointments be made.
Witney Town Charity Mrs M Jones
Cogges Welfare Trust Charity Cllr J Aitman Cllr A Bailey Mr H W Chirgwin
1. That the report be noted and, 2. That the appointments to advisory committees & external bodies/outside nominations be agreed as detailed above.
Review of Council Policies To review any Council policies if appropriate, noting that Standing Orders and Financial Regulations were updated in 2023. Minutes: The Deputy Town Clerk advised the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations of the Town Council had been reviewed and formally adopted since January 2023.
That, the verbal update be noted.
Annual Town Meeting Minutes - 20 March 2024 PDF 412 KB To receive the minutes of the Annual Town Meeting held on 20 March 2024. Minutes: The minutes of the Annual Town Meeting held on 20 March 2024 were received.
Members agreed that the meeting had been successful, well attended and upbeat.
That, the minutes of the Annual Town Meeting be noted.
(Cllr T Ashby offered his apologies and left the meeting at 7:50pm)
Climate Emergency Action Plan PDF 389 KB To receive the report of the Head of Estates & Operations. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council received the update report of the Head of Estates & Operations regarding the Council’s climate emergency plan.
Members were pleased to see that Officers had a handle and that a lot was going on behind the scenes to work towards the ambitious 2028 target. They encouraged them to look to the established team at West Oxfordshire District Council who had a well-established team working on their own climate plan as they believed they could provide expertise.
A recommendation was made by Cllr Smith, seconded by Cllr Bailey that once the strategy and action plan has been complied that it was communicated via a public meeting. All members were in agreement.
1. That, the report be noted and, 2. That, the creation of a climate change strategy and climate emergency action plan were welcomed and, 3. That, a public meeting be held to inform the public once the above were completed.
Community Governance Review PDF 589 KB To receive the report of the Deputy Town Clerk. Additional documents: Minutes:
The Council received the report of the Deputy Town Clerk along with a verbal update regarding the former Council proposal to explore the option for a Community Governance Review of the parish/town boundary.
Members agreed that the initial decision to be made was as to whether the request should be made of West Oxfordshire District Council (WODC) to consider carrying out a review. All Members were in agreement with this action.
It was further proposed that a Task & Finish group be established to ensure a coherent approach. The membership of the T&F group should be cross party and include representatives from all affected wards.
The following membership of a Task & Finish Group was proposed by Cllr O Collins, seconded by Cllr D Enright and unanimously agreed.
Community Governance Review Task & Finish Group
Cllr O Collins Cllr R Smith Cllr A Bailey Cllr D Edwards-Hughes Cllr S Simpson Cllr R Crouch Cllr G Meadows
Members requested that Officers inform WODC of their decision and request them to commence the process of a Community Governance Review.
Members were keen that to ensure transparency that all potentially affected parishes are informed along with residents, particularly those already resident in Colwell Green and The Coppice already. The Deputy Town Clerk advised that should a review go ahead then a public consultation would be carried out.
1. That, the report be noted and, 2. That, Officers contact WODC to ask that they consider carrying out a Community Governance Review and, 3. That, a Task & Finish Group be established with the above membership and, 4. That, Communications commence at the earliest opportunity with the Parishes that would be affected.
(Cllr R Crouch left the meeting at 8:11pm during the following item)
Councillor Attendance Register 2023/24 PDF 401 KB To receive the annual Councillor attendance register for the 2023/2024 municipal year. Minutes: The Council received an annual attendance register for Members of the Council for the 2023-2024 municipal year.
A Member congratulated everyone as the attendance figures were a good indication for the work that Councillors put in given that as Councillor, they are volunteers. It was also raised that attendance at meeting was simply the tip of the iceberg; so much more activity goes on outside of the Committees.
A Member raised a point regarding the potential for low attendance figures to show due to ill-health, it was agreed that a caveat should be added to advise the public that due to the rules that govern the democratic process of attendance, a low percentage figure can be due to a variety of factors, some of which are outside of the control of Members, such as the inability to hold virtual or hybrid meetings.
The Mayor thanked those present for their efforts during the past year and remarked how effectively the Council was when its members work together.
1. That, the annual attendance register for 2023-24 be noted and, 2. That, a caveat be added to advise the reason why a Member’s attendance may be low whenever the information is published.