Venue: Main Hall, The Corn Exchange, Witney. View directions
Contact: Town Clerk
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence To consider apologies and reasons for absence.
Committee members who are unable to attend the meeting should notify Simon Wright the Democratic & Legal Services Officer ( ) prior to the meeting, stating the reason for absence.
To also consider special dispensation for Members unable to attend this in-person meeting, due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs J Aitman, R Bolger, H Eaglestone, D Harvey, J King and D Temple.
The committee noted that Cllr King was unable to attend an in-person meeting due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. |
Declarations of Interest Members are reminded to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests in any of the items under consideration at this meeting in accordance with the Town Council’s code of conduct. Minutes: There were no interests declared by members at this point in the meeting. |
Minutes of the Annual Council Meeting PDF 402 KB To approve and adopt the minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on 4 May 2021 in accordance with Standing Order No. 18 including questions on the minutes as to the progress on any item. Minutes: The Chair presented the above minutes to Council and moved their acceptance.
That the minutes of the Annual Council Meeting of the Town Council held on 4 May 2021 be received and agreed as a correct record.
Public Participation The meeting will adjourn for this item.
Members of the public may speak for a maximum of five minutes each during the period of public participation, in line with Standing Order 42. Matters raised shall relate to the following items on the agenda. Minutes: There was no public participation at the meeting. |
An Update from Witney Oxfordshire County Councillors and West Oxfordshire District Councillors To receive a short verbal update from Oxfordshire County Councillors representing Witney Wards and West Oxfordshire District Councillors. Minutes: Cllr Enright provided an update from the County Council on discussions with bus companies to provide more frequent services. Members were also advised of a zero emissions initiative in Oxford, changes to the A40 bus lanes and an imminent consultation, ‘Access to Witney’ regarding the Shore’s Green junction.
Cllr Ashbourne provided an update from the District Council, noting a Loyal Free App for local businesses which would be used in Witney, an open consultation on Covid-19 measures in the High Street and the reorganisation of the Council’s Section 106 database. |
Report Back from the Councillors on the Work with External Bodies where they serve as the Town Council's Nominated Representative To receive a short verbal update from councillors who sit on external bodies where they serve as the Town Council’s nominated representative. Minutes: There were no updates from Councillors who serve as nominated representatives on outside bodies. |
Climate, Biodiversity & Planning - 20 April, 18 May and 8 June 2021 PDF 404 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chair of the Committee presented the above minutes to Council and moved their acceptance.
The Deputy Town Clerk noted that in respect of minute no. 213(3) of 20th April, the agreed trail at the Lake & Country Park provided by Rediscover Nature would no longer be taking place.
That the minutes of the Climate, Biodiversity & Planning Advisory Committee meetings held on 20 April, 18 May and 8 June 2021 be received and any recommendations therein approved. |
Parks & Recreation Committee - 17 May 2021 PDF 504 KB Minutes: The Chair of the Committee presented the above minutes to Council and moved their acceptance.
That the minutes of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee meeting held on 17 May 2021 be received and any recommendations therein approved. |
Halls, Cemeteries & Allotments Committee - 24 May 2021 PDF 486 KB Minutes: The Chair of the Committee presented the above minutes to Council and moved their acceptance.
That the minutes of the Halls, Cemeteries & Allotments Advisory Committee meeting held on 24 May 2021 be received and any recommendations therein approved. |
Stronger Communities Committee - 7 June 2021 PDF 372 KB Minutes: The Chair of the Committee presented the above minutes to Council and moved their acceptance.
That the minutes of the Stronger Communities Advisory Committee meeting held on 7 June 2021 be received and any recommendations therein approved. |
Policy, Governance & Finance - 14 June 2021 PDF 390 KB Minutes: The Chair of the Committee presented the above minutes to Council and moved their acceptance.
That the minutes of the Policy, Governance & Finance Advisory Committee meeting held on 14 June 2021 be received and any recommendations therein approved. |
Corn Exchange Working Party - 1 June (attached) & 22 June 2021 (to follow) PDF 389 KB Minutes: The Chair of the Committee presented the above minutes to Council and moved their acceptance.
The Chair noted that A Stone of Drama by Design was not listed as being in attendance at the meeting held on 22 June.
That the minutes of the Corn Exchange Working Party meetings held on 1 and 22 June 2021, with the above amendment be received and any recommendations therein approved. |
Appointment to Outside Bodies PDF 333 KB To consider the report of the Democratic & Legal Services Officer seeking appointments to serve on the Lower Windrush Valley Project, RAF Brize Norton Local Consultation Group and Witney Traffic Advisory Committee. Minutes: The Chair sought nominations for vacancies on three outside organisations which had arisen since the Annual Council Meeting in May.
That the following appointments be made:
1. Lower Windrush Valley Project – Cllr. Ruth Smith to May 2023 2. RAF Brize Norton Local Consultation Group – Cllr. Liz Duncan to May 2023 3. Witney Traffic Advisory Committee – Cllr. Andrew Prosser to May 2023 |
Designation of the Responsible Financial Officer Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972 requires that every Local Authority in England and Wales should “make arrangements for the proper administration of their financial affairs and shall secure that one of their Officers has responsibility for the administration of those affairs.”
Following the recent restructure of the Council’s staff, Mrs Tina Jardine was appointed to the role of Responsible Financial Officer and started employment on 24 May 2021. The Council is therefore requested to formally note that this appointment, subject to the usual terms and conditions or employment.
Minutes: Members noted the importance of the Responsible Financial Officer in statute and welcomed Tina Jardine to the role.
That Tina Jardine be officially designated as the Responsible Financial Officer at Witney Town Council. |
Future Meetings of the Council a) To consider the format of the forthcoming Council cycle of meetings given the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Members are reminded that virtual or hybrid meetings are not currently lawful. Options include:
· Holding in-person meetings in the Corn Exchange Main Hall under social distancing measures; · Holding the next cycle of meetings as Advisory Committee meetings – ratification of recommendations to take place at the Full Council meeting on 2nd August, with accompanying urgent delegations to the Town Clerk as set out in the Annual Meeting of 4th May 2021 (Minute no. 227 refers).
b) To consider special dispensation for members not to attend if in-person meetings take place. Written requests for dispensation are to be made to the Town Clerk.
Minutes: The Committee considered the most appropriate way to hold the next cycle of Council meetings in the absence of legislation on virtual meetings in the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
Members agreed as national restrictions had been extended until 19th July, there was no difference from when the decision had been taken to hold virtual Advisory meetings in May. Therefore, it was a sensible and cautious approach to continue holding virtual meetings during the next cycle with an in-person meeting to pass any un-delegated recommendations on 2 August 2021.
That, the forthcoming cycle of Council meetings be held as Advisory Committee Meetings with ratification of decisions, not made under delegated powers, taking place at an in-person Full Council meeting on 2 August 2021. |
Following the review by the Policy, Governance & Finance Committee at its meeting on 14 June. To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk to agree the Annual Governance statement along with the Final Internal Audit Report.
In line with The Accounts & Audit (England) Regulations 2015 - To receive and consider the Annual Governance & Accountability Return – and formally agree and adopt.
To note the Unaudited Financial Statements for the year ending 31 March 2021. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Town Clerk explained that the AGAR had already been reviewed by the Policy, Governance and Finance Committee at its meeting on 14 June 2021 but the Council needed to formally agree and adopt it.
Resolved: 1. that the Annual Governance Statement at Section 1 of the Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2021 be approved, and formally adopted by the Council; 2. that the Statement of Accounts at Section 2 of the Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2021 be approved, and formally adopted by the Council; 3. that in light of the above the Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) for 2020/21 be formally agreed and adopted by the Council. 4. that the unaudited Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2021 be noted. |
Notice of Motion - Co-operative Councils Innovation Network PDF 530 KB To consider the following motion proposed by Cllr Rosa Bolger and seconded by Cllr Duncan Enright.
‘Witney Town Council notes the Co-operative Council’s Innovation Network, a network of local authorities committed to reforming the way they work through building an equal partnership with local people. The network is open to all UK councils regardless of political affiliation who can demonstrate innovation and a willingness to drive forward the cooperative council agenda.
Therefore Witney Town Council agrees to affiliate to the Cooperative Councils Innovation Network, associate membership being at a cost of £500 per year, for which a range of benefits are available.’ Minutes: The Council considered a motion concerning the Town Council joining the Co-operative Council’s Innovation Network, the motion being proposed by Cllr D Enright and seconded by Cllr R Smith on the evening.
There was agreement that the network appeared to offer benefits to members, but these might be more suited to principal Councils. The benefits at town and parish Council level were uncertain and if membership was taken there would need to be a review of the interactions from the network to inform debate on the issue in the future.
1. That, Witney Town Council becomes a member of the Co-operative Council’s Innovation Network, at a cost of £500. 2. That this be funded from rolling capital 3. That the membership be reviewed during the budget-setting process to confirm the benefits it brings to the Town Council. |
Burford Experimental Traffic 7.5 Tonne Regulation Order To receive the recommendation of the Climate, Biodiversity & Planning Committee held on 8th June 2021, concerning support for this group and the future of the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order on the 7.5tonne limit at Burford Bridge, based on the interim report:
1. That, Council be recommended to give the support of Witney Town Council to WIVTAG; 2. That, Oxfordshire County Council be recommended to remove the ETRO at the earliest opportunity and be encouraged to adhere to the Local Transport Plan to ensure the management of HGV movements on a county basis.
Minutes: The Council received a recommendation of the Climate, Biodiversity & Planning Committee concerning the Burford Experimental Traffic 7.5 Tonne Regulation Order.
Members agreed that the interim report provided to the Town Council appeared to show that there had been an impact on Witney due to the order. Therefore, the Council should support the Windrush Valley Traffic Action Group in its campaign and ask Oxfordshire County Council to remove the ETRO and investigate alternative solutions to the issue at Burford.
That, Witney Town Council supports the Windrush Valley Traffic Action Group and asks Oxfordshire County Council to remove the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order at Burford Bridge at the earliest opportunity. |
Civic Announcements PDF 458 KB To receive the report of the Mayor. Minutes: The Council received a list of engagements undertaken by the Mayor since the last meeting.
The Chair, Cllr Duncan thanked the Mayor for her continued hard work in what continued to be difficult circumstances.
That the Civic Announcements report be noted. |
To receive and consider the report of the Project Officer. Minutes: The Council received and considered the report of the Project Officer regarding projects at; Park Road Play Area, Windrush Place Allotments, Corn Exchange, Burwell Hall and The Leys Recreation Ground.
Members were pleased to see the projects progressing and were advised that the administration of the Windrush Place allotments would be transferred to the Allotment Association on completion of the legal works. All other preparation by the Town Council had been completed apart from the inclusion of a composting toilet; it was disappointing that incorrect information had caused dissatisfaction amongst residents near to the site on the potential handover date.
1. That, the budget for the Park Road Play Area project be increased to £10,000. 2. That, these funds are taken from the Council’s rolling capital. 3. That, the delegation of the progress on this project be confirmed to Officers and Cllrs L Ashbourne and L Duncan. |
Position of Town Crier To consider continuing the current arrangement with the Town Crier, J Postlethwaite-Dixon for a further municipal year. (Minute no. 229, Full Council 27th July 2020 refers). Minutes: The Council considered the position of Town Crier for Witney for the forthcoming municipal year.
Members agreed that it had been a difficult year and the incumbent of this position had done a good job in the circumstances. Members agreed that the current arrangements should stay in place for another year, but a volunteer recruitment process should take place for the next.
1. That, the current arrangements for the position of Town Crier of Witney continue for the new municipal year. 2. That, a recruitment process for this position takes place for the year 2022-23. |
Health and Safety To receive a verbal update. Minutes: The Council received a verbal update from the Deputy Town Clerk on Health & Safety matters.
Members were advised that the Leys Splash Pad had been commissioned and once Covid-19 social-distancing restrictions were lifted, it would be opened to the public.
It was also confirmed that Witney Carnival had been cancelled by the organisers due to the extension of pandemic restrictions. In response to a member, the Town Clerk confirmed that the funds allocated to this by the Town Council would be returned to the discretionary grants budget.
That the verbal update be noted. |
Communication from the Leader To receive such communications as the Leader of the Council may wish to bring before the Council and to consider the recommendation of the Leader on how such communications should be dealt with. Minutes: There was no official communication to share but the Leader thanked Officers of the Council for their work during recent months and during the pandemic. |
Correspondence To receive correspondence from the Town Clerk for information (if applicable). Minutes: The Deputy Town Clerk shared correspondence from West Oxfordshire District Council on the future of Community Recycling Centres in Witney, following consultation.
Members were disappointed the Town Council’s response to this consultation appeared to have been ignored and this should be followed up by the District Councillors who also served on this Council.
There was discussion on what would now happen in these areas and a suggestion was made that these could be parklets. Members agreed that the freed parking spaces would not be in the best location for this scheme. |
Questions to the Leader of the Council Questions to the Leader of the Council concerning the business of the Council in accordance with Standing Order 15. Minutes: There were no questions raised at the meeting. |
Sealing of Documents To authorise the sealing of documents arising from Council resolutions. Minutes: There were no documents to seal at the meeting. |
Exclusion of the Press and Public To consider and if appropriate, to pass the following resolution:
That in accordance with section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, and as extended by Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the meeting because of the confidential nature of the following business to be transacted. Minutes: Resolved:
That in accordance with section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, and as extended by Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, the public, including the press, be excluded from the meeting because of the confidential nature of the following business to be transacted. |
Adoption of Open Spaces Strategy To consider the adoption of the Open Spaces Strategy (previously circulated). Minutes: With the permission of the Chair this item was moved up the agenda for consideration.
The Council considered the adoption of the Open Spaces Strategy, previously circulated, as a working document outlining the Council’s objectives during the forthcoming five years.
Members were in agreement this was a sound, comprehensive document and looked forward to items being implemented through the Committee process.
That, the Open Spaces Strategy as previously circulated to members be agreed and adopted by Witney Town Council. |
Grounds Maintenance
To receive the confidential report of the Town Clerk. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Council received the confidential report of the Town Clerk concerning Grounds Maintenance.
That, the recommendations contained in the Town Clerk’s confidential report be agreed. |