Issue - meetings

Notice of Motion - Co-operative Councils Innovation Network

Meeting: 28/06/2021 - Full Council (Item 322)

322 Notice of Motion - Co-operative Councils Innovation Network pdf icon PDF 530 KB

To consider the following motion proposed by Cllr Rosa Bolger and seconded by Cllr Duncan Enright.


‘Witney Town Council notes the Co-operative Council’s Innovation Network, a network of local authorities committed to reforming the way they work through building an equal partnership with local people. The network is open to all UK councils regardless of political affiliation who can demonstrate innovation and a willingness to drive forward the cooperative council agenda.


Therefore Witney Town Council agrees to affiliate to the Cooperative Councils Innovation Network, associate membership being at a cost of £500 per year, for which a range of benefits are available.’


The Council considered a motion concerning the Town Council joining the Co-operative Council’s Innovation Network, the motion being proposed by Cllr D Enright and seconded by Cllr R Smith on the evening.


There was agreement that the network appeared to offer benefits to members, but these might be more suited to principal Councils. The benefits at town and parish Council level were uncertain and if membership was taken there would need to be a review of the interactions from the network to inform debate on the issue in the future.




1.      That, Witney Town Council becomes a member of the Co-operative Council’s Innovation Network, at a cost of £500.

2.      That this be funded from rolling capital

3.      That the membership be reviewed during the budget-setting process to confirm the benefits it brings to the Town Council.