Issue - meetings

Appointment of Members to Standing Committees, Sub-Committees and Working Parties, and the Election of Chairs

Meeting: 04/05/2021 - Annual Council Meeting (Item 230)

230 Appointment of Members to Standing Committees, Sub-Committees and Working Parties, and the Election of Chairs pdf icon PDF 481 KB

To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk/CEO, and appoint Members to the Standing Committees, Sub-Committees, Working Parties, Task & Finish Groups and Elect the Chairs for the municipal year 2021-22.


Members considered the appointment of standing committees, sub committees and working parties and proposed the following:


Climate, Biodiversity & Planning Committee


Cllr J Aitman                       Cllr O Collins                                       Cllr L Duncan

Cllr V Gwatkin                   Cllr M Jones                                        Cllr A McMahon

Cllr A Prosser                     Cllr R Smith


Chair of Committee Cllr R Smith


Parks and Recreation Committee


Cllr T Ashby                        Cllr J Aitman                       Cllr L Ashbourne

Cllr D Butterfield              Cllr L Duncan                      Cllr D Enright

Cllr V Gwatkin                    Cllr A McMahon               


Chair of Committee Cllr V Gwatkin


Halls, Cemeteries & Allotments Committee


Cllr T Ashby                        Cllr J Aitman                       Cllr L Ashbourne

Cllr O Collins                       Cllr L Duncan                      Cllr V Gwatkin

Cllr M Jones                        Cllr R Smith


Chair of Committee Cllr M Jones


Stronger Communities Committee


Cllr J Aitman                       Cllr L Ashbourne                               Cllr R Bolger

Cllr D Butterfield              Cllr O Collins                                       Cllr H Eaglestone

Cllr V Gwatkin                   Cllr A Prosser


Chair of Committee Cllr O Collins


Policy, Governance & Finance Committee


Cllr J Aitman                       Cllr L Ashbourne                               Cllr O Collins

Cllr H Eaglestone              Cllr V Gwatkin                                    Cllr D Harvey

Cllr M Jones                        Cllr R Smith


Chair of Committee Cllr L Ashbourne


Personnel Sub-Committee

Cllr J Aitman                       Cllr L Ashbourne                               Cllr O Collins

Cllr V Gwatkin                   Cllr M Jones                                        Cllr R Smith


Chair of Sub-Committee Cllr L Ashbourne


Corn Exchange Working Party


Cllr J Aitman                       Cllr L Ashbourne               Cllr O Collins

Cllr L Duncan                      Cllr D Harvey                      Cllr J King


Chair of Working Party Cllr O Collins


Platinum Jubilee Working Party


Cllr. J Aitman                      Cllr D Enright                      Cllr M Jones

Cllr O Collins                       Cllr H Eaglestone              Cllr D Harvey




That the membership of the standing committees, sub committees and working parties and their Chairs be agreed as detailed above.