Issue - meetings

Street Furniture and Infrastructure

Meeting: 08/07/2019 - Stronger Communities (Item 333)

Street Furniture and Infrastructure

7.1          Benches – verbal update from Operations & Estates Officer/Cllr Rosa Bolger re-location(s) on Oxlease/Cogges

7.2          Cycle Rack – request via Cllr R Smith/Cllr D Enright to install a cycle rack at Oxlease Play Area – offer of funding from Oxfordshire County Councillor Priority Fund from Cllr Dr Bartington


1.            Benches


Cllr Rosa Bolger gave a verbal report on the siting of a bench on Blakes Avenue adjacent to the WOCT bus stop.  A site had been agreed with the resident who had requested it and the Operations and Estates Officer was seeking permission from Cottsway Housing who owned  ...  view the full minutes text for item 333