Issue - meetings

Capital & Special Revenue Projects Programme: Revised 2019/20, Proposed 2020/21 and Beyone

Meeting: 16/12/2019 - Full Council (Item 509)

509 Capital & Special Revenue Projects Programme: Revised 2019/20, Proposed 2020/21 and Beyond pdf icon PDF 125 KB

To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk/RFO along with a schedule detailing the position with regard to the current years Capital & Special Revenue Projects and those proposed for 2020/21 and beyond - To Follow


Members will be requested to prioritise the proposed projects, mindful of the impact on the Precept and other resources such as staffing.


The Council received and considered reports from the Town Clerk, including a schedule of the Capital/Special Revenue Projects Programme 2020/21, as attached.


Members noted that these were items that the public had asked for and that had been agreed through the Committee system. 


In order to pay for them and not use up all of the Council’s reserves, members understood that the precept would need to be increased.


A lengthy debate followed, during which some members expressed a preference to keep the precept at a low level, whilst others argued that this low level of investment had led to facilities in the town declining and in need of major investment now.  Councillors agreed that it would not be prudent to lean to heavily on the Council’s reserves, but had reservations about increasing the precept to 14% to fully fund revenue and capital expenditure.


RESOLVED:         that the reports and presentation (as attached) from the Town Clerk be noted.