Issue - meetings

Council Revenue Budget and Capital/Special Revenue Projects Programme: Revised Budget 2019/20 and Estimate 2020/21

Meeting: 16/12/2019 - Full Council (Item 508)

508 Council Revenue Budget: Revised Budget 2019/20 and Estimate 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 299 KB

To receive and consider the report of the Town Clerk/RFO along with the draft revised revenue budget for 2019/20 and the estimates for 2020/21 – To Follow


The budget has been based on current service delivery and known factors – Members are requested to give consideration to any changes they foresee during the next financial year on the way the Council’s services are delivered and facilities are run, mindful of the impact on the Precept and other resources such as staffing.




The Town Clerk gave a presentation to Council on possible options for the budget and the implications of each of these.  This included a table demonstrating the effect on a Band D property’s council tax.  The presentation is attached to these minutes.


The options were to not increase the precept, meaning that everything would need to be paid for out of reserves, which was not advised, and three further options to use part of the reserves and varying increases to the precept.


The Chair clarified that the revenue budget was that paying for services to continue, which was in effect committed expenditure.  The capital expenditure was for “one of” items and as such the projects could be timed.  The Town Clerk commented that projects could be prioritised.


Members asked questions about the revised revenue budget and engaged in an in-depth discussion. 


Cllr Temple left the meeting at 7.31pm.


RESOLVED:  that the presentation (as attached) and reports from the Town Clerk be noted.