Decision Maker: Policy, Governance & Finance
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
This item was deferred from the Meeting held
on 1 February 2021 (minute F67) - awaiting clarification on whether
the legislation relating to the holding of virtual meetings is to
be extended due to the COVID pandemic.
The Committee provisionally scheduled the Annual Town Meeting for
26 May 2021.
To receive a verbal update from Officers - and consider how to
proceed if appropriate/or delegate to the Officers in consultation
with the Leader.
The Committee received a verbal update from the Town Clerk on the possible date and format of this year’s Annual Town Meeting.
This item had been deferred from the last meeting of this Committee held in February 2021, for further consideration in light of upcoming relaxation in COVID restrictions and the roadmap. A provisional date of 26th May had previously been set . Although a face-to-face meeting would be beneficial for the electorate, there were concerns that this would place attendees at risk and the numbers would be severely reduced due to ongoing pandemic lockdown restrictions. The Town Clerk offered to seek advice from the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) on this issue and the legalities around holding it.
That the decision on the date and format of the 2021 Annual Town Meeting be delegated to the Town Clerk and Leader of the Town Council.
Report author: Sharon Groth
Publication date: 22/03/2021
Date of decision: 22/03/2021
Decided at meeting: 22/03/2021 - Policy, Governance & Finance
Accompanying Documents: