Decision Maker: Policy, Governance & Finance
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Committee received and considered the report of the Deputy Town Clerk concerning discretionary grant applications from Oxfordshire Association of Blind, Life Education Wessex & Thames Valley and Carterton Gymnastics Club.
Members were supportive all three applications and were curious if Life Education Wessex would be delivering their training to other primary schools in Witney. While the Carterton Gymnastics Club would clearly be used by Witney residents, the maximum award of a grant was £500 and could not be increased. Members agreed the policy will be looked at in the new financial year so a further application could be made at that time.
Having now made these additional grant awards the Officers were able to confirm the balance remaining in the discretionary grants budget – which had previously been agreed to roll over to the next financial year and would now be earmarked for the Witney Carnival and Witney Music Festival events if were able to go ahead COVID-19 permitting.
1. That the report of the Deputy Town Clerk be noted; and,
2. That the Oxfordshire Association of Blind be awarded the sum of £500; and,
3. That Life Education Wessex be awarded the sum of £300; and,
4. That Carterton Gymnastics Club be awarded the sum of £500; and,
5. That these grants be awarded under the General Power of Competence; and;
6. That the request from Witney Educational Foundation to be linked to the Town Council’s website be accepted; and
7. That the correspondence from Witney Pride and Dance for Life be noted.
Report author: Adam Clapton
Publication date: 22/03/2021
Date of decision: 22/03/2021
Decided at meeting: 22/03/2021 - Policy, Governance & Finance
Accompanying Documents: