Decision Maker: Policy, Governance & Finance
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To receive and consider the confidential
report of the Town Clerk/CEO
The Committee received and considered the confidential report of the Town Clerk concerning the Town House in Market Square, Windrush Cemetery access, Park Road Play Area and Park Road Allotments.
1. That the confidential report of the Town Clerk be noted; and,
2. That the Town Clerk continues negotiations with Cottsway Housing on the lease for Park Road Play Area; and,
3. That the tenure on allotment land at Park Road be given back to Cottsway Housing as owners, with a request that a biodiversity space is created.
Report author: Sharon Groth
Publication date: 22/03/2021
Date of decision: 22/03/2021
Decided at meeting: 22/03/2021 - Policy, Governance & Finance
Accompanying Documents: