Decision details

Civic Events

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Committee received and considered the report of the Communications and Events Officer. 




1.            that the report be noted;


2.            that commemorations for VJ Day be delegated to the Mayor and the Office Manager to progress;


3.            that  for Remembrance Day, the Communications & Events Officer progresses an event along the lines as detailed in her report but ensuring it is COVID-19 safe;


4.            that a press release is prepared to explain the change in the event;


5.            that plans may be subject to change depending on the situation nearer to the time.



Publication date: 23/07/2020

Date of decision: 06/07/2020

Decided at meeting: 06/07/2020 - Stronger Communities

Accompanying Documents: