Decision Maker: Halls, Cemeteries & Allotments
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
To receive and consider the report of the
Project Officer.
Consideration was given to the report of the Project Officer regarding a replacement heating system at Burwell Hall.
Members expressed their support for exploring a renewable/green energy solution. The financial implications were clarified and it was explained that the consultants had been recommended through Oxfordshire County Council.
To commission ESOx to carry out a feasibility study for Burwell Hall, for a new heating/hot
water system that reduces its carbon footprint and use of fossil fuels, at a cost of £1,500.
Report author: Nicky Cayley
Publication date: 29/10/2021
Date of decision: 13/09/2021
Decided at meeting: 13/09/2021 - Halls, Cemeteries & Allotments
Accompanying Documents: