Decision Maker: Parks & Recreation
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The committee gave consideration to a request from Witney Town Bowls Club to erect new signage for the facility. In addition it was reported that Oxfordshire County Council had advised that new directional signage was to be provided on Station Lane.
Councillors expressed their support for new signage and it was acknowledged that details such as location needed further clarification. It was proposed that the matter be delegated for approval subject to a site visit and details of the signage being agreed.
1. That Officers be delegated, in consultation with the Chair of the Committee, to undertake a site visit and approve the type of signage and agree a location on Town council land; and
2. That the current position with regard to signage on Station Lane , to be provided by Oxfordshire County Council, be noted.
Publication date: 17/05/2021
Date of decision: 17/05/2021
Decided at meeting: 17/05/2021 - Parks & Recreation