Decision Maker: Stronger Communities
Decision status: For Determination
Is Key decision?: No
Is subject to call in?: No
The Committee received and considered the report of the Office manager alongside the bin audit from WODC, a specific request for a dog waste bin and a list of outstanding bin requests.
If the Town Council wanted to install additional bins across the parish, it would need to bear the costs from now on.
Members noted the request for an additional dog waste bin but as dog waste could be put into a normal litter bin, it was decided that this would be a better option. A member asked if the college might pay for this bin. The Officer Manager said that this would be unlikely, but the question could be asked.
The Town Clerk highlighted the Community Clean Up grant that was yet to be spent. The Chair proposed that a substantial amount of this could be used for new bin installations and members agreed, setting the figure at £7,000.
A member commented that she was sure that commercial waste charges were less than the costs paid by the Town Council to the District Council. Cllr Enright would speak to the CEO of Ubico about this, and Officers should ask the question.
Another member queried what would happen on new estates. The Office Manager explained that the bins would be arranged by management companies such as Green Square.
Officers were asked to draw up a bin policy/management plan. Bin requests should be prioritised.
1. that the report be noted;
2. that Witney Town Council covers the cost of installing new or additional bins and their ongoing emptying costs;
3. that the residents request for a dog waste bin between West End/Crawley Road and Woodford Mill be agreed but that a litter bin/general waste bin be installed rather than a dog bin, as dog waste could be put in a litter bin;
4. that £7,000 of the Community Clean Up Grant be ringfenced for provision of new litter/recycling bins;
5. that Officers formulate a bin policy with a medium to long term plan on new requests;
6. that Officers ask WODC how much the charge for emptying is for corporate clients;
7. that the costs of emptying bins be included in the budget setting for 2021 – 22.
Publication date: 02/06/2020
Date of decision: 16/03/2020
Decided at meeting: 16/03/2020 - Stronger Communities
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